chapter - 18 ( Future)

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When taehyung woke up next day he was laying on Jungkook's chest. He opened his eyes and saw the general was also looking at him with half sleepy eyes.

" I am hungry..." Said taehyung making Jungkook chuckle.

He kissed taehyung on his forehead and covered him properly. He then entered the bath room and took a bath.

After dressing up he went out.

Taehyung looked at him and said " I also want to take a bath. "

" The water here is cold. Let me call someone to arrenge warm water for you and ofcourse your breakfast. " Said Jungkook and went out leaving taehyung alone.

Taehyung sat up and hissed because of the pain he was feeling. He felt like his bottom half got paralyzed.

He took a deep breath and tried get used to the pain. He looked at the mirror which was placed oposite side of the bed and blushed seeing body.

It has many red marks, he felt like his lips grew bigger because of the constant sucking.

When taehyung heard someone coming he immediately covered himself. He was relieved seeing it was Jungkook.

Jungkook came to him and helped him to dress up. After that he called the servents who brought food for them.

Jungkook sat on the bed besides taehyung and started feeding him.
Taehyung happily finishes his food.

Jungkook also had his breakfast after that, he helps taehyung to take a bath. While bathing he couldn't help but tease taehyung about their last night making him blush.

After that both of them sat on the bed. Taehyung's head was on Jungkook's chest and he was playing with his fingers.

He asked " Why did you choose to be the general? "

Jungkook looked at taehyung at the sudden question. He still answered saying " I didn't had any choice. This is the only way I knew. "

Taehyung sighed. He held Jungkook's hand looked at those small scars he had on them.

" I heard you were an orphan when you joined the refugee camp near the war zone. It must have been so hard for you. "

Taehyung kissed his hands making Jungkook sigh. He didn't wanted to hide anything to taehyung but it wasn't the right time.

" You know tae, I look like my mother while my older brother used to look like our father.

My mother used to say I have half of her soul. She used to feed me by herself, you know she also knew embroidery and she used to make me many handkerchief as I often used to lose them while playing. "

Said Jungkook with a smile on his face.

" Tell me more" said taehyung looking at him.

" You know my hyung Jin used to get jealous of me sometimes saying mother loves me more

And I used to get jealous of him as I feel like father loved him the most.

But at the end of the day Jin hyung used to take care of me like a second mother. I used to tell him that when we both will grow up I will not let him go anywhere after his marriage and our parents used to laugh at me.

You know my hyung was so beautiful that everyone used to look at him twice. My mother used to tease him saying his future husband won't take a moment before falling in love with him. "

Taehyung saw the was Jungkook's eyes was sparkling while talking about his family.

" Everything was going well for us until that day..." Jungkook clenched his fist remembering that day.

" You know that day when we got attacked, Our parents tried their best to save us but they failed. I lost my mother, father and my brother too. "

Taehyung hugged Jungkook comforting him. " It's okay. Maybe they are in a better place now. I am sure they are proud of you. "

" Right now I don't know but I am sure they will in future " Said Jungkook making taehyung frown.

" In future? " He asked.

" Yes. You will understand later on. " Jungkook answered kissing taehyung on his nose.

" Enough of my past how about we talk about our future? " Said Jungkook changing the topic.

Taehyung said " There is nothing to talk about. In future we will have kids and we will raise them together that's it. "

" But one thing I want to say beforehand and you will have to agree.
I won't let any of my kid to be like you, none of them will be violent like you and they won't take your place as general.

I want all the them to be infront of me safe and secure. I don't care if they lives like normal citizens without any titles. "

Jungkook smiled nervously before saying " See they will have my blood so ofcourse they will be violent..."

Taehyung glared at Jungkook hearing this.

" What ? glaring at me won't change anything. Besides I can assure you they won't go to war but they won't be normal citizens too. Like imagine my kids the great Jeon Jungkook's kids being normal citizens. It sounds like a joke. " 

Taehyung sighed and said " I don't know what you are planning but let me tell you if my kids gets even a scratch because of you I won't mind using your daggers against you. "

Taehyung was clearly warning making Jungkook laugh.

Taehyung again glared at Jungkook for laughing at his words.

" Our kids aren't even born yet you are being so protective over them. So much so that you are warning me...." Jungkook couldn't stop laughing.

" It's okay dear. Our kids will have the best life. I will protect our kids.
And it feels nice seeing you concerned for them. I am sure you will be the best mother for them. " Said Jungkook caressing taehyung cheeks.

" By the way we will get kids after we do the baby making process properly soo how about we do it again..." Said Jungkook looking at taehyung with mischievous smile.

Taehyung scoffed and pushed him away saying " you have done the process so many times last night I am sure we don't need to do it anytime soon. "

Author's note

This chapter is little bit short sorry for it.

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