chapter - 26 ( New life)

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Jungkook looked at taehyung with tears in his eyes. He wanted to confirm that he heard it right.

" Our child is coming. You have to be there for him, you can't give up now " said taehyung making Jungkook cry.

Taehyung also started crying seeing Jungkook crying like a child.

With difficulty Jungkook moved his hand and caresses taehyung's stomach.

" I am going to be a father..."

Jungkook felt so happy. He felt like he is the happiest person in the world.

" Yes, you are going to be a father. You have to be strong for him. So don't give up for his sake. "

" Come close to me.." said Jungkook.

Daehyung and with others went out leaving the couple alone. Taehyung climbed the bed and lay down next to Jungkook. He then removed his outer layer to reveal his stomach.

Jungkook touched his lower abdomen, caressing it lovingly.

" Our child is one month old " said taehyung making Jungkook smile.

" You didn't tell me so I could focus on other things right? "

" I promise it won't happen again " replied taehyung caressing Jungkook's forearm.

" That's why you were glowing that day. I should have guessed it earlier.

My prince or princess is coming. I can't wait to meet him. I will spoil him so much. I will give him everything he wants. "

Jungkook couldn't help but imagine a small child in his arms calling him father.

Taehyung turned towards Jungkook and kissed his forehead. He caresses his cheeks before kissing them.

" When I talked about giving me a new life, I just didn't talk about our child. I also meant you gave me a new life and without you my life is meaningless. So don't ever talk about leaving us. "

After getting the good news Jungkook forgot all his pain. He felt like living again.

Taehyung took care of him, always feeding him on time and making sure he takes his medicine on time.

It was hard since his injurious were deep and he couldn't move his whole body because of the pain.

Jungkook never made any fuss about anything. He did everything so he could recover quickly.

He felt guilty seeing taehyung taking care of him when it should have been the opposite.


Jungkook walked towards his throne after recovering. It took him one month to recover properly.

And today for the first time he is going to sit on his throne as a emperor along with his empress.

Jungkook sat on his throne and taehyung sat next to him. All the minister's were present there curious to know about his next move.

Jungkook called daehyung, who came infront of him and bowed to him.

" From today kim daehyung will be the prime minister of this council " said Jungkook, no one was surprised as everyone was guessing daehyung will get something special for supporting him.

Next Jungkook asked yoongi to come infront of him.

" I announce min yoongi as my general "

Yoongi bowed to him accepting his new title.

After that namjoon came to the centre. He knew he what title Jungkook will give him as he was really happy about it.

" I announce Kim namjoon as a new minister of this court. "

Namjoon bowed to him happily accepting his new title. He will get a huge amount of wealth and power after becoming a minister. That's what he wanted and he finally got it.

After that Jungkook personally called yoongi.

" Train a special army force with the best soldiers and detectives " ordered Jungkook.

" I will. Don't worry. We will find your brother " yoongi replied. He was about to go when Jungkook stopped him.

" No need to go to general's mannor. You will stay here with jimin. Tell this to namjoon too.
I want a bigger family. "

Yoongi heard Jungkook and went towards him. He hugged Jungkook comforting him.

" We will always be there for you."

Jungkook hugged him back sighing. The way yoongi and namjoon both were loyal to him was unimaginable.
When he was sick both of them could have betray him but they didn't.

Infact they helped him. That was the moment he knew that these people became his family.


Taehyung was sitting on the palace garden feeding some Birds.

His mood swings were going crazy these days and he hated himself sometimes.

He became such a picky eater, he keeps getting angry at everyone for making noises. Like few moments ago he was with Jungkook and he started feeling an apple for him.

Taehyung got irritated cause according to him Jungkook was peeling the apple too loudly. When Jungkook defended himself saying he wasn't taehyung got angry and decided to come here.

Jungkook saw taehyung and went to him. He sat next to him on the ground and gave him a bowl of apple slices.

Taehyung smiled and started eating them making noises, Jungkook alomost wanted to tell him that this time he is the one who is making noises but dropped the idea.

It's not his taehyung it's his child that is doing all these, making his sweet strawberry behaving like a strict general.

He looked at taehyung's stomach and sighed. He couldn't help but smile
he can't lie he also love taehyung being demanding like this.

Normally taehyung would always behave mature and never make any kind of demand or stubborn. But now he behaves like a spoilt child and he loves it.

He kept his head on taehyung's neck and said whispering " Can we go to bed after this "

" For what ? " asked taehyung looking annoyed.

" You know for what, I miss you so much " said Jungkook kissing his cheeks.

" No way. I am going to help jimin to pick his wedding outfit, I am busy. " said taehyung and one of the guards who were guarding them ended up coughing.

Jungkook glared at the guards and said " keep your ears close or you will lose them for forever. "

He then looked at taehyung and picked him up in his arms.

" What are you doing, leave me you pervert..." said taehyung hitting Jungkook with his fists but ofcourse he was nothing infront of giant.

They both reached their room and the next moment their clothes were on the ground.

They made love, even though taehyung pretended to be be annoyed he couldn't help but give up when Jungkook kissed him passionately.


Namjoon entered the brothal for the last time. This time he was a minister , his bodyguards were behind him holding a big box.

The brothal owner couldn't believe his eyes. Ofcourse he can imagine namjoon wasn't a normal citizen anymore by his clothes.

Namjoon asked his bodyguard's to keep the big box infront of the owner and opened it.

The owner couldn't help but widen his eyes. The box was filled with gold and expensive pearls and jades.

" Release seo ..." Namjoon demanded making the owner finally come out of his dreams.

Even though he had no problem releasing seo now, he got to know the empress got killed by a general who took the throne. She is the one who was ordering him to keep seo busy with customers.
Now she isn't even alive, he can do whatever he want with seo "

He took the box and said " You can take him. "

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