chapter - 20 ( punishments )

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Jungkook took the sword from daehyung's waist and cut minji's right hand which was holding taehyung's hair.

Blood spread everywhere minji screamed in pain. Jiwoo and daehyung was shocked at the scene.

Taehyung got really scared seeing the bloody hand on the floor. He run to Jungkook and hugged him, hiding his face in his chest.

Jungkook looked at minji with rage as he threw the sword on the ground. He caresses taehyung's head where minji was gripping.

" Help me..." Minji screamed in pain. She couldn't look at her bloody hand.

Daehyung immediately asked jiwoo to get her out of here and he asked a servent to call the healer.

When jiwoo was helping minji out so they could go out of this room Jungkook said " This is just a warning. Remember next time if I see you touching even one strand of his hair I won't think twice before killing you. "

" What happened taehyung? " Asked daehyung. He was feeling bad for his wife but he knew he can't do anything against Jungkook.

" She hurt taehyung that's it. She payed for it. We are going back. " Said Jungkook and held taehyung's hand.

The carriage wasn't there so Jungkook helped taehyung to get on his horse and then sat behind him. They both headed towards Jeon household.


Minji cried after she gained her concious back. She passed out because of the pain.

She saw her hand and couldn't help but cry. Jiwoo was sitting beside her looking lost in his thoughts.

When daehyung came jiwoo said
" Father why didn't you said anything the the general. Look what he did to mother. "

Daehyung sighed and looked at minji " Explain what happened there ? Why you were treating taehyung like that ? "
Minji cried and said" I just had a small fight with taehyung. He was being so arrogant towards me. As a mother I was just teaching him a lesson. Trust me I treat jiwoo the same if he makes any mistakes."

Daehyung sighed hearing this. He said" take rest" and went away leaving minji and jiwoo alone.

Minji couldn't believe daehyung just left her like this.

Taehyung was really scared at first after sometime he got used to it. Jungkook held him close to his chest and he felt like he was flying in the air.

" I can see the mountains clearly..." Said taehyung looking really excited.

" Do you like mountains ? " Asked Jungkook.

" I love mountains. Sometimes I wish if I could live there. Beautiful views, nice chilly weather away from everyone. " Said taehyung making Jungkook smile.

" Your wish will come true. You will get to live in the mountains for two weeks, Just wait for one month. "

Taehyung was surprised hearing this. He asked " Are we going for there for any special reason ? "

" Not me just you and jimin. I will have some work to do. I will explain later. " Jungkook dismissed the topic.

When they reached Jeon household jimin was really happy seeing taehyung, he dragged him inside to hear what he did in these days, telling him how much he missed him.

Jungkook looked at both of them and sighed. They looked got too close for his liking.

He went to his study to do his work while namjoon followed him.


Taehyung made food for Jungkook at night. He waited for Jungkook to come.

Jungkook was late, when he saw taehyung sleeping while all the dishes were placed properly for him.

He took a quick bath and came to his room. He wake taehyung up and said
" I told you not wait for me remember? "

Taehyung rolled his eyes and said " just because you said doesn't mean I will agree. "

Jungkook looked amused. He laughed and said " I see this little tiger getting brave day by day. Even dare to disobey me. Just wait for an hour and after that I will show you the outcome of disobeying Jeon Jungkook. "

Taehyung realised what Jungkook was indicating and his cheeks went red. He controlled himself and replied
" Like I am scared. Eat your dinner first. "

Taehyung served Jungkook and then himself. They both are silently.

Jungkook wanted to ask taehyung about the earlier incident but seeing taehyung's happy face he decided not to ruin his mood.

After they both ate their dinner, taehyung started drying Jungkook's hair.

When he was done, he went to bed. He took his side of bed and layed down. He closed his eyes making Jungkook scoff.

" Stop pretending we both know you are not really sleepy. "

Taehyung heard Jungkook but didn't opened his eyes.

" So you are now planning to escape your panishment ? Too bad for you can never escape from your husband."

Jungkook stripped himself making sure to make some noises to let taehyung know what's coming.

He then went to taehyung and hovered over him. He watched taehyung pretending to sleep.

He kissed his nose and said " open your eyes or I have other options. "

" Fine don't regret later. " said Jungkook and removed taehyung's hanbok from his neck.

He started kissing him on his lips and then his jaw. He went down and kissed on his neck below his ear. Taehyung still didn't opened his eyes so Jungkook knew what to do.

He took a bite of his buds through his silk upper clothing making taehyung immediately open his eyes.

" So now that you are awake. Why don't you take your punishment? " asked Jungkook smirking making taehyung sigh.

He held into his neck and pulled him closer.

" Fine..."

And they made love once again. Jungkook couldn't get enough of taehyung from the moment he made love with him for the first time.

Author's note

I am really sorry for late update.


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