chapter - 27 ( Hyung )

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Author's note

My dumb ass already revealed seo as Jin in my last chapter. So you all just have to pretend namjoon didn't called "seo" as " Jin" in my last chapter. I edited it later but many already saw it. Anyway Let's continue

Namjoon entered Seo's room happily.
He saw seo coming out after taking a bath.

Seo was surprised seeing namjoon at this time. He noticed namjoon's clothes were different. He looked like a high ranked official.

Namjoon came close to him and handed him the outfit he brought for him.

" I am taking you out of here. "

Seo teared up hearing him. He hugged namjoon sobbing who patted his head lovingly.

" Don't waste your precious tears. I hate seeing you cry. From now I only want to see you happy. "

" Now wear this and get ready, our carriage is waiting for us " said namjoon said cupping his cheeks.

He was about to go but seo stopped him by holding his hand. He came closer and said " since you brought it how about you dress me up too "

Namjoon was about to say no but seo said " you promised me that you will fulfill my every wish so now don't say no. "

Namjoon sighed and smiled at him. He undresses seo and then dressed him up lovingly. He combed his hair properly and made him stand infront of the mirror.

" How do I look? " asked seo making namjoon hug him from behind.

" You look like Kim namjoon's submissive. "

Seo rolled his eyes, he should have guessed namjoon will say something like this.

When seo stepped outside of the brothel he felt lost. He knew nothing about the outside world.

Namjoon felt his nervousness and held his hand. He helped seo to get inside the carriage.

Seo was looking outside the whole time through the window as he was seeing all this after years.

" I am a minister now..." said namjoon making seo looked at him with curiosity.

" You can say I helped the current emperor to to fight for the throne and in return he promoted me as a minister. And
I was about to build our own household when the emperor asked me to stay with him in the palace. I prepared a chember for you just beside mine so I get to stay close to you until our marriage. "

" The palace..." murmured seo.

" Who is the emp...eror now ? " asked seo shuttering.

" Jeon Jungkook. His father was supposed to be the emperor before but his brother killed him and his whole family. But his son Jungkook somehow survived.

He changed his indentity and took his mother's name and became the general to take revenge.

He took his revenge and became the emperor. I feel so proud of him. Surviving in a refugee camp and fighting in the war at such a young age wasn't easy. But he did, he survived, he took revenge and became the emperor.

He deserve everything, I hope he found his big brother too. He just got to know that the empress kept his big brother alive somewhere. Now he is searching for him...."

while telling all this namjoon looked at seo and saw him crying.

" What happened. Why are you crying ? " asked namjoon worried.

" You said Jung...kook, the emperor is searching for his brother. Do you know his name ? " asked seo sobbing making namjoon confused.

" Ofcourse I know. His name is seokjin, he was a submissive...why are you asking me this..." said namjoon and stopped in the middle.

He watched Seo's crying face and said
" Do you know anything about him ?"

" I am seokjin...." replied seo making namjoon widen his eyes.

He never imagined that the person Jungkook was searching was infront of him the whole time.

" My real name is wang seokjin. My parents used to call me jin. The woman who killed my parents sold me here when I was young. I thought with my parents my little brother died too..."

Jin couldn't finish saying all this and ended up sobbing loudly. Namjoon held him close, he also get teary hearing him.

He never knew Seo's past since he never told him. He can't imagine what this boy went through at a young age. He lost his parents and thought his brother died too. He got sold in a brothel when he should have been in his palace enjoying luxury.

" I want to see my kookie... Take me to him.. I missed him so much. My child went through so much and I wasn't there for him. Take me to him..." Jin couldn't wait to meet his brother.

" We are going to him. Relax.... " Namjoon kept comforting the submissive.


Taehyung and Jungkook both were in the throne room ready to leave after the meeting was finished.

Namjoon entered the room with Jin, who's eyes were searching for his little brother. Throughout the whole ride he kept imagining the hard life his brother had to go through during the war.

Jungkook looked at namjoon who was looking at him with a big smile. He knew namjoon went to brought his fiance so he assumed beside him it was his fiance seo.

He was sitting on his throne, away from the door so he couldn't see the new person's face.

He still smiled and said " You shouldn't have brought your fiance to the throne room at first. Let him take some rest then we could have meet him later. "

He then looked at the other person and said " wellcome to our family. "

Jin looked at Jungkook with teary eyes, he couldn't believe his little brother grew up. He became an emperor, he had the aura of their father.

Jungkook helped taehyung to get up as he wanted to welcome seo too. They both climbed down few stairs and started walking towards namjoon.

While getting closer to namjoon and his fiance Jungkook couldn't help but stare at seo.

When he stood infront of seo, his eyes widen seeing the teary eyed boy.

Jungkook could see the boy looked so much like his father. The way the boy was starering at him with so much love.

His hands started to tremble. He didn't know if he was imagining or this was a coincidence.

His confusion was clear when the boy asked him a question with a cracking voice " Koo..kie, my child ho..w are you ? "

" Hyung..." Jungkook couldn't believe his what he just heard. Only his hyung used to call him kookie. Not just the name but the way he said it has to be his hyung.

" I died without you hyung. I died..." said Jungkook crying.

He was scared what if all this is a dream. What if he wakes up and see his hyung is no longer infront of him.

" I am so sorry my child, I wasn't there for you. I am so sorry..." Jin hugged Jungkook crying.

He cupped his face and watched his features. Everything was same except he didn't had a small scar on his cheek.

He kissed his forehead and again hugged him apologising.

Jungkook hugged him back hiding his face in his hyung's shoulder. He was no longer a emperor or a grown up man, he was just a kid who was dying to meet his big brother.

" Don't apologise hyung. It wasn't your fault...."

Both brothers didn't let go of each other and enjoyed each other's warmth.

Namjoon and taehyung couldn't help but cry seeing the reunion. Both of them sighed in relief.

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