chapter - 13 ( Prostitute )

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Namjoon entered the brothal with a smile. As usual he saw the owner drinking and keeping eye on the people like a eagle.

When he saw namjoon his smiled and said " wellcome back. Even though you are late I knew you would come. "

Namjoon rolled his eyes and pulled a small pouch full of coins. He then throw it towards the the person and started going upstairs.

The owner didn't waste any time and started counting the money. He knew this boy seo was special. One side he gets money from namjoon to keep him away from the customers one side he gets money cause....

He is smart enough to earn from both sides.

Namjoon entered a room and he saw the boy standing beside the window.

He didn't waste any time and hugged him from putting his on his shoulder.

" You are late. I thought you finally realised your stupidity but no...." The boy turned around and faced namjoon.

" You are quite stubborn aren't you? "

Namjoon smiled picked the boy up in his arms and went towards the bed.
He made the boy sit on the bed and then he layed down keeping his head on his lap.

" Not more than you Seo. It's been years now. I have told you thousand times that I love you and won't ever leave you but you never take me seriously. "

Seo rolled his eyes and said " You say you want to marry me a prostitute and want me to take you seriously ?

Yes I am stubborn but also very much sane person compared to you. You should just leave this madness and marry a beautiful submissive. Also you are getting old now. When you will have children? "

Namjoon chuckled hearing this and at this moment he was used to it.

" Ouch That hurts. I don't even have grey hair and you think I am getting old ? "

" Don't change the topic. Tell me when you will stop this madness. I can't see you wasting your life like this.

Even if you marry me one day. I may not concive you know it too. So please stop.

Let me ask you one more time. What will make you stop ? My death? "

Namjoon got up from his lap and slapped Seo. He quickly realised his mistake and wiped Seo's tears.

" I am really sorry I didn't mean to raise my hand at you. "

Seo's laughed hearing him.

" Why you are sorry ? I am just a toy for everyone here. You paid for me so you can do anything with me. You can use me, hit me..."

" Shh...I have told you many times not to degrade yourself but you never listen to me. You are too bratty for a submissive.

Wait till I marry you. I will have strict rules for you and I will punish you hard for not listening to me. "  Said namjoon making seo sigh.

When will this man understand it's not possible. He is just a submissive who lost his everything and then got sold here as a prostitute. He got r**** multiple times before meeting namjoon. He drunk so much child avoiding medicine so much that he thinks he lost capability to give birth like other prostitutes.

He doesn't know why namjoon fell for him. He just came here for some work and met him when he was getting ready for a customer.

Namjoon never slept with him or even touched him inappropriately but he regularly paid the owner of this brothal to keep him away from the customers.

At first he was thankful to him. Finally he don't have to sleep with anyone but he knew no one do anything for others unless they need anything in return.

When he asked namjoon is not sleeping with him he replied " I will sleep with you after our marriage. "

He tried make namjoon understand that he is already dead. It's just his body which was alive. He shouldn't waste his time and money on him.

He really tried for years but namjoon didn't really cared. He kept paying money to the owner and comes here once in a while to meet him. To see if he is doing well.

Namjoon did the thing he never thought was possible. He made feel alive. He himself didn't know when he started looking forward to meet namjoon and slowly fell for him.

He loves namjoon. When he was little his mother used to talk about prince's from another countries will come to court him. He felt like namjoon was his prince who came to court him.

But this room reminded him again and again that he is just a prostitute. He can never be someone's wife.

So he reminded namjoon and again trying to change his mind but he failed everytime.

Once side he wants namjoon to forget about him and the other side he felt like he will if he doesn't see his face anymore.

He looked at namjoon who kissed his forehead and cupped his face. He said

" I Just need two months more. After that I will take you out of here and we will get married. "

Seo looked at him with frown. The way namjoon said it seems like he was dead serious about it.

" What do you mean by two months more ? " He asked.

" I have planned everything with my master. Two more months then I will have all the resources to get you out of here. After that we will get married. " Namjoon said with a smile.

" But..." Seo started but namjoon cut him off buy saying

" Don't make any excuses. You know it won't work on me. It's been years now you still want to change my mind. "

" Fine I won't make excuses but after marriage when I won't be able to give you any child...." Seo's voice cracked at the end making namjoon sigh.

He again layed down on his lap and said " Am I not enough... you still need another child? "

Seo couldn't help but smile at his remark. He said " For the first time you are right. You are a child. A big child. "

" And you scold this child everytime I come here. You are so cruel. I have to go back before daybreak yet you don't let me sleep properly and just want to argue. "

Seo rolled his eyes at the man. He caresses his hair gently.

" Sleep. I will wake you up when it's time. "

Seo made namjoon sleep in comfortable position and caresses his hair untill he falls asleep.


" What happened ? Aren't you happy you are going to meet your family ? " Asked Jungkook.

Taehyung didn't know what to answer. He said " Aren't you busy ? You going there could effect your work? "

" You were worrying about my work? Silly, I do have some work but I also have to discuss something important with father in law. So I have to go there anyway. I will just join you. "
Said Jungkook making taehyung nod.

Jimin interrupted them saying the food is ready for them.


Author's note

I know you guys are waiting for taehyung to reveal everything but have some patience it will be worth it.

And let me know did you liked seo and namjoon subplot or not ?

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