chapter - 19 ( Wishes)

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In the evening Jungkook and taehyung both went to market. The market was beautifully decorated with lanterns.

Jungkook held taehyung's hand and they started walking around. Taehyung liked many things but most of his things are for jimin and Jungkook.

Jungkook brought all the things taehyung wanted and also carried the things for him.

" Look at the general, he is here with his beloved wife. "

Said someone making people look at them. The person who said this was present during the royal bouquet and couldn't help but be happy seeing the general again with his wife.

Jungkook and taehyung both didn't care about stares they were getting. Taehyung said he was hungry so they entered a restaurant and had their dinner.

In this spring festival people make small lanterns and then put them in the river. They believe while doing this if they wish for something and the lanterns keep flouting their wishes come true. If they stop or crash with other lanterns in the middle their wishes won't come true.

Taehyung couldn't wait to wish for something. He asked Jungkook to make a lantern for. Jungkook brought the things he needed to make lanterns and skillfully makes a beautiful one.

Jungkook gave taehyung the lantern and was about to throw the things when taehyung asked " aren't you making yourself one ? "

" No. I don't believe in these things. " replied Jungkook making taehyung frown.

" But still you can do it what if your wish come true and then start believing.." said taehyung looking at Jungkook with puppy eyes.

Jungkook sighed realizing taehyung stop stop so silently makes himself one.

In the river side many people were making wishes and it was little crowded.

Jungkook found a safe place for taehyung where he could make wishes.

Taehyung placed his lantern in the river and made a wish. You can't say your wish to anyone so he said it in whispers so Jungkook can't hear him.

" I wish my lord's every wish come true. "

He then turned around and called Jungkook to make his wish. Jungkook placed in lantern in the river and made a wish

" I wish my wife's every wish come true. "

He then turned around to see taehyung closing his ears with both of his palms.

" I didn't wanted to listen to your wishes. It won't come true if someone get to know about it.

I thought since you won't believe you will say it loudly..." Said taehyung.

Jungkook cupped taehyung's face and said " I will believe on anything as long as it's you who tells me. "

Taehyung looked at Jungkook's face and then looked at their lanterns, he hoped they reached their destination without any obstacles.

Jungkook and taehyung both sat on a small bridge while looking at sky. They both didn't say anything they were just happy leaning on each other.


Taehyung and Jungkook reached Kim household late night.

Both of them got freshen up and slept on each other's arms till next day.

Next day Jungkook was desparate so taehyung couldn't say no and they both made love early in morning.

After that both of them joined everyone for breakfast. Jungkook as always looking out for taehyung, making sure he eats well.

" So you are planning to stay here for few days? " Jiwoo asked Jungkook suddenly.

Taehyung couldn't help but say
" Please talk to him with respect. "

Jiwoo clenched his fist inside the table, how dare this s*** talk to him like this. He can call the general however he want.

But before he could answer his father said " Taehyung is right jiwoo. Taehyung is your younger brother but Jungkook is still older then and also your brother in law.
You should adress him properly. "

Jiwoo greeted his teeth how dare this old man call him out like this that too infront of general. But before he could react his mother kept her hand on his thigh, patting him telling him to keep his mouth close.

So he calmed himself and said " you are right father. I should have adress him properly.

" I am sorry for disrespecting you. " Said jiwoo looking at Jungkook with pityfull eyes.

" It's okay. " Replied Jungkook not even looking at her properly busy eating his own food.

" You didn't answer my question. How long you are planning on staying here ? " Asked jiwoo again trying to start a conversation with the general.

" We will go back tomorrow. " Said taehyung understanding Jungkook is getting irritated by the question.

" Oh I see. " Jiwoo was disappointed.


After breakfast Jungkook went out with daehyung.

Taehyung took a bath and sat infront of mirror combing his hair. He could see many red patches on his neck.

He blushed remembering the intimacy they had. He can't lie he likes making love with the general.

He is so different with taehyung in bed. He is such a gentle soul in general but he turned into a beast in bed.

His thoughts were disturbed by a sound. He turned around to see his step mother and jiwoo entering his room.

Minji looked at him up and down and said " Seems like you are being a good s*** for him. "

Taehyung didn't felt any anger nor did he cried. He looked at minji with a blank stare.

" Look at him jiwoo, he learnt so many new things. he can make eye contact with us also can talk back. " Said minji sarcastically before pushing taehyung on the ground.

Taehyung tried standing up but Minji again pushed him on the ground.

" Seems like you forgot your place. Let me remind you this in your place. This floor is what you deserve... You are just a son of a concubine. Marrying the general won't change anything.

Always remember he is keeping you just because you satisfy him. One day he will get bored of you and then you won't have any place to live..." said minji like always trying to get into taehyung's mind that what she is saying is true however this time taehyung surprised her.

Taehyung pushed her and stood up from the ground. He looked at minji and said pointing at minji " The only person who deserves this place is you..."

" I am the great general Jeon's wife not just a concubine's son.

He will never leave me cause he loves me as much as I love him.

Worry about yourself maybe one day when your husband will get to know about your truth, you won't have any place to live."

Even taehyung himself didn't know from where he got this confidence. He would just listen to their words and cry for few minutes and that's it. He never replied them cause he knew the outcome won't be so good.

As taehyung guessed minji was furious hearing taehyung. She couldn't believe taehyung dare to go against her.

She couldn't control her anger and grip taehyung's hair making him hiss in pain.

Jungkook who just entered the chamber with daehyung saw the scene infront of him.

And he did what no one could imagine at that moment.

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