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Becky's PoV
I woke up in the morning and Freen was still sleeping. She's such a cute kid. No I mean hot adult right haha whatever she's my wife now. I want her, but I know she would be uncomfortable if I touch her. And I know that exact feeling how we would feel if someone touches us without our will.

So there I was last night seducing her. Yeah I wore that particular dress only to seduce her. She was all red. I did notice that. Now she's sleeping in front of me on that bed. Her blanket is but high and I can see a bit of her ass from this side. I can see her long legs... stop it Becky you're already drooling. Remember it's just revenge. But still I want to fuck her like I get those dreams.

I got up from there and went to washroom immediately. Like lots of dramas are going on in my life. I want to put this dramas away and live normally. This normal has never come in my life.

Starting from my childhood, my home is a drama. And here I'm stuck between my parents who god knows for what reason they're living together ! They fight miserably, they don't care about their single daughter. I think they have forgotten me . But it's ok it's my life I'll still leave . I just want to be alone since then!

Even in school and university a lots of drama. One of the drama is sleeping peacefully on my bed. Oh why did I even leave her my bed. But I felt sympathy on her. It's ok let her sleep.

I took a shower and got out of the washroom. I was just in a towel with water dropping from my hair. Freen was awake and right now she was staring at me. My lips cruel up to a smirk when her mouth started to water.

I went close to her, slowly taking small steps seducing her more. I went on the bed about her. Close to her lips as though I was ready to kiss her. She closed her eyes immediately. She's not pushing me away Great! I took my clothes which was laying on table beneath the bed. And got down of her. She opened her eyes and I laughed at her teasing her. I said, "Hahahaha Freen, don't you think it's too early for this? And why I kissed you last night in the public was to cover the scandal. See news you'll know all. Ok I'll leave now. Eat something before you leave I'll keep the breakfast on the ...."

Freen said breaking my words, "don't need to bring it I'll go take it myself."

I just nodded and after changing my clothes in front of her teasing her, I left the room to the office. Well I didn't eat since a day as I'm not feeling hungry! My mind is just occupied, it's getting miserable everyday.

I sighed as I got into my car. I drove off to the office. I was thinking about Freen , how should I handle her? What might she be thinking about me right now? But why am I even thinking of her? Of course she's my wife!

My head was messing with me. I reached the company successfully and got out of the car. I was crossing the road when an employee in bike came towards me I was about to move from the place but my head spins like a spinner and I couldn't see anything. My eyes shut itself as my body reaches ground.


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