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Freen's PoV

Everything in me was destroyed. Everyone who was close to me, whom I thought were my family, had betrayed me. I hated being in that environment. In a fit of anger, I threw my phone away in the park where I sat, struggling to process all the truths I had learned.

I got up from there and decided to leave. I needed peace. I went to a small village where I thought no one could find me. I started to work and opened a small restaurant, offering tasty breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. One day, a lady approached me, and she looked so familiar.

Was she... my mom? Tears welled up in my eyes as she spoke to me. She was here to ask for a job. I immediately hugged her and said, "Mom! I missed you so much. Why did you leave me alone?"

She was shocked but hugged me back. She said, "Saro, how have you been? I never expected to meet you again after what your father did to me!"

I said, "Mom, she even killed my dad. I know all the truth, but I can't face it. Everyone betrayed me, Mom. Everyone!"

My mom said, "Don't worry, kid. Everything will be okay. Our lives have been similar. Everyone betrayed me too, years ago when I gave birth to you. We were happy, you, me, and your dad. We used to play and be happy. One day, we decided to have a nanny to take care of you. That's when that lady, your stepmother, entered our lives. She snatched your dad away from me and made me leave the home. I felt so much pain that I didn't even once think about you. I'm so sorry, Saro. Please forgive me!"

My heart welled up, seeing my mom so vulnerable. I said, "Mom, I'm sorry too. I didn't know that lady wasn't my real mom. How could I forget you? Even though I was small, I should have..."

Mom interrupted, "Saro, what matters now is that we've met again. I'm glad to see you, my baby."

I smiled and nodded. We hugged each other, and I felt a comfort I had never felt before. I took her to my small cottage in the village, and we lived there for a week. I planned everything against my stepmother. I wanted revenge for all that she had done to me.

I enlisted the help of Detective Deek, the only person I trusted now. I told her to gather all the evidence of my dad's murder so I could send my stepmother and her son to jail for life.

That night was miserable as I missed Becky a lot. I didn't want to admit it, but I did. She was the only person in my heart. But all I could remember was seeing her kiss Friend—that image would never leave my mind. Whenever I closed my eyes, that's all I saw. I sighed, frustrated just thinking about it. So, I distracted myself with my quest for justice for my mother and father. I concentrated on that.

My mom came near me as we got home from the restaurant. She saw me lost in my thoughts and said, "You know, Freen, you can share anything with me."

I hugged her immediately, tears gathering in my eyes as I sobbed on her shoulder. I said, "Mom, I miss my wife a lot. I loved her so much from my heart, but all I saw that day was her kissing her ex-girlfriend in our room. She doesn't know how I felt, Mom. Why would she do that? I wanted to ask her, but I couldn't. I hate it, Mom. I hate myself for loving her. Maybe she just played a game with me for revenge. Yeah, revenge because I hurt her a lot by bullying her in college, so she took revenge!"

My mom said wiping my tears, "Freen everything will be fine. You should talk to her once. If you feel she's not lying then you both can be together."

I nodded but I don't want to talk to her now. I can't manage to see her all I can remember is her and Friend kissing. It's traumatised in my brain!


Ok another update for my readers. I hope you enjoy the story a lot. Please take care.

Happy reading.

Wait until tomorrow for next chapter please don't ask for more. I'm so tired yet doing my best to give you all updates. 🙂

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