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Becky's PoV

As I opened my eyes, I saw Freen staring at me lovingly. I smiled, feeling satisfied and complete. My plan from last night had worked perfectly. I had worn that transparent nightgown deliberately, hoping to elicit a response from her. My seduction had finally worked. I pulled her into my arms, pressing our naked bodies together.

I kissed her lips and whispered, "Good morning, babe."

She smiled back at me, "Good morning, Becbec."

She pinched my nose playfully, and I couldn't help but grin. We cuddled like that for a few hours, neither of us wanting to break the embrace. Suddenly, my stomach growled, and Freen laughed.

"Okay, I'll get you breakfast. Go get freshened up," she said, her voice filled with warmth.

I nodded like a kid, watching as she left the room. I quickly got up, changed, and freshened up. When I came back, Freen had prepared breakfast. We enjoyed our meal together, feeding each other while sitting on her lap like a baby. Each spoonful came with a kiss, making us both blush and giggle. We were so happy in that moment.

But then her phone rang, interrupting our sweet moment. Freen's expression changed, her brows furrowing as she tensed up. She looked at me and forced a smile.

What's wrong with her? Did something happen? She got up and said, "Sorry, Becky, I'll be back soon!"

I grabbed her hand as she rushed towards the door. "Freen, tell me what happened."

Freen sighed and sat back down beside me, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Becky... I... I'm sorry. My ex has come back to town after years."

I squeezed my brows together in confusion. "Ex?"

She nodded. "Yes, before you joined our school, I was with him. We were good together, but suddenly he moved out of the country. He asked me to wait for him, but things changed."

I asked, my voice cracking, "Do you still love him?"

She shook her head. "No, but I want to meet him. It's been years. Can I go?"

"Can I join you? Please?" I asked, making puppy eyes.

She nodded, and we quickly packed our things. As we left, a sense of unease settled over me. I felt nervous about this ex of my wife.

As we drove, I broke the silence. "Freen, what's his name?"

She glanced at me. "Seng."

"Oh," I replied, feeling a pang of jealousy and insecurity.

We continued the drive in silence, each of us lost in our thoughts. The closer we got to town, the more anxious I became. I wondered what kind of person Seng was and how seeing him again would affect Freen.

When we arrived, Freen parked the car and took a deep breath. "Are you ready?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

I nodded, trying to muster up courage. "Yeah, let's do this."

We walked together to the café where Freen had agreed to meet Seng. As we entered, my heart pounded in my chest. I held Freen's hand tightly, drawing strength from her presence.

We spotted him immediately. Seng was sitting at a corner table, looking just as nervous as we felt. Freen squeezed my hand reassuringly before we approached him.

"Seng," Freen said, her voice steady despite the tension.

Seng stood up, a hesitant smile on his face. "Freen. It's been a long time."

"It has," she replied, her tone neutral.

He glanced at me, and I could see a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "And you must be Becky."

"Yes," I said, trying to sound confident. "Nice to meet you."

Seng gestured for us to sit. "I wasn't sure you'd come," he admitted, looking at Freen.

"I almost didn't," Freen confessed. "But I felt it was important to see you."

We sat down, and an awkward silence hung in the air. Finally, Seng spoke. "Freen, I owe you an apology. Leaving like I did was wrong, and asking you to wait was selfish."

Freen nodded. "It was a difficult time for both of us. But life moved on."

Seng turned to me. "Becky, I hope you can forgive me for any pain I've caused. I see how happy you make Freen, and that's all I ever wanted for her."

I appreciated his honesty and sincerity. "Thank you, Seng. We all have our pasts, but what matters is the present and future."

Freen looked at me, her eyes filled with love and gratitude. "Becky, you're my present and future."

I smiled, squeezing her hand. "And you're mine."

Seng stood up. "I should go. It was good to see you, Freen. And nice meeting you, Becky."

As he left, Freen and I sat in silence for a moment, absorbing everything. Then, she turned to me and said, "Thank you for being here with me. It means a lot."

"Always," I replied, kissing her hand. "Let's go home."

As we walked out of the café, hand in hand, I felt a sense of closure and a renewed strength in our relationship. We had faced the past and come out stronger, ready to embrace our future together.


Double update for today enjoy 😁.

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