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Freen's PoV

The past week had been a whirlwind of fear and anxiety. The calls from the blackmailer had become more frequent and more insistent. I knew I had to protect Becky, even if it meant sacrificing myself. I couldn't let her be dragged into this nightmare.

I decided to confide in Detective Deek. I needed to do something before the situation spiraled even further out of control.

"Detective, the blackmailer is demanding that I sleep with him to get the tapes deleted," I said, my voice trembling. "I don't want Becky to know. I can't let her be stressed any more than she already is."

Detective Deek's face hardened. "We need to catch this person in the act. But you must be very careful, Freen."

The day of reckoning arrived. My heart pounded as I dressed, knowing what I was about to face. The thought of Becky's safety was the only thing that kept me moving forward.

Third Person PoV

Freen entered the hotel room, her hands trembling. She steeled herself, ready for the sacrifice she had to make. But when the door closed behind her, she was met with a cruel, familiar laugh.

"Seng?" Freen whispered, her voice a mix of shock and disbelief.

Seng smirked, his eyes glinting with malice. "Surprised? You should be. Let me tell you the truth, Freen. I'm the son of your stepmother. Kirk is my brother."

Freen's mind reeled. This revelation added layers to the betrayal and manipulation. "You... you planned all of this?"

"Yes," Seng replied coldly. "I've waited years for this. And now, you will pay for everything."

Becky's PoV

I couldn't ignore the changes in Freen's behavior any longer. My heart ached with worry. I went to Detective Deek, desperate for answers.

"Detective, something's wrong with Freen. She's been so distant," I said, my voice breaking.

Detective Deek nodded, sharing the details with me. "We believe she's gone to meet the blackmailer. We need to move quickly."

Without a second thought, we rushed to the hotel. My heart pounded with fear and determination. I couldn't let anything happen to Freen.

Third Person PoV

Freen struggled to push Seng away, her strength waning as he overpowered her. Just as she thought all hope was lost, the door burst open. Becky and Detective Deek stormed into the room.

"Get away from her!" Becky screamed, grabbing a vase from the bedside table and smashing it over Seng's head. He crumpled to the floor, unconscious.

Freen's tears flowed freely as Becky rushed to her side. "Are you okay, Freen?" Becky asked, her voice filled with worry.

"I'm... I'm fine now," Freen whispered, clutching Becky tightly.

Detective Deek quickly tied Seng to a chair, ensuring he couldn't escape. "We'll make sure he faces justice," the detective said firmly.

Freen's PoV

As I looked into Becky's eyes, I saw the love and concern that had always been there. "I'm sorry, Becky. I tried to protect you," I said, my voice choked with emotion.

Becky cupped my face in her hands. "We protect each other, Freen. We're in this together. Always."

Tears mingled with smiles as we embraced, knowing that our love had once again triumphed over darkness.

Third Person PoV

The police arrived, taking Seng into custody. The tapes were retrieved, and all evidence of the blackmail was destroyed. Freen and Becky's ordeal had come to an end, but the scars would take time to heal.

As they walked out of the hotel, hand in hand, they knew their love was stronger than ever. They had faced the worst and come out on the other side, ready to face whatever the future held.


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