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Becky's PoV

Freen ran away! I couldn't chase her as my leg is still recovering. It's not completely healed, but I love her a lot. The kiss with Friend was just a goodnight kiss. I should explain it to her.

I took my walking stick and started to search for her. Friend had already left; she couldn't bear to see me anymore. Why does she have to love me that much when all I gave her was pain? I'm feeling guilty that I cheated on two people.

I cried, sitting in my room. All I can do now is cry in my room vulnerably. I hate myself a lot now. Why did I do this? I started to hit the walls and cry miserably. My knuckles turned red, but I didn't stop because the pain inside me was more than what my knuckles were experiencing right now. I started to hit and cry; I couldn't breathe.

Soon, Mom came into my room. She saw my vulnerable state and hugged me. She had never hugged me once, but now she was hugging me. I felt comforted, but still, the pain was unbearable.

My mom said, "Stop it, Becky! Stop!"

I calmed myself, but I was still miserable. I missed Freen already! She was all I had right now. She was the one who cared for me the first time in my life. She was the one whom I loved for the first time in my life. I can't imagine a moment without her. Please, Freen, please come back. I need you.

Soon, a week passed, and there was no sign of Freen! Weeks turned to months, and still no sign of Freen. My legs were fine now, and now I'm going out in search of Freen. My mom had been worried about me, but all I'm worried about is Freen. All I want is her by my side. Please come back, Freen, please. I love you a lot. This love won't go away with time.

I cried every night remembering her. I couldn't sleep because she wasn't by my side. My safety zone. My love, my comfort. How can I sleep when I can't find her nor see her? Her phone was out of service. She probably got a new phone.

I even tried going to her house, but it was empty. Not even her mom was living there anymore. I didn't find Kirk anywhere either. Did Freen marry him? She has a contract with me; how can she... forget it. I just want to see her once and ask her for forgiveness. I want to be by her side always. Please, Freen, I love you. Show up once!

It was almost six months since Freen left, but it still feels like yesterday. I don't know how I'm able to keep myself alive. I'm alive because I can't do anything to myself. My parents have been nice to me, but all I miss is my wife, my love Freen. I love you a lot, babe. Please come back. Please. I pray to God every day that she's happy and smiling. I know I have done a lot of mistakes in the past, but I can't bear being apart from the person I love.

The peace and comfort I find with her I have never felt with anyone. I just pray to God that she's safe and fine and give her all the happiness. Even if it means foregoing my own happiness, I'll give it to her happily. I can take up all sorrows only to keep her happy.

I want to talk to her once, ask her for forgiveness. I know she will never forgive me, so she went away. Even if she won't forgive me, it's fine. I'll just bid goodbye to her with a happy face, and after that, my life will be filled with sorrows only.

Even tonight, I'm laying on the bed thinking about the person I love so much. I should not have done that. Why did I even kiss Friend? That's what made her leave me. I'm sorry, Freen. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. If you can hear me, please forgive me. I love you a lot. A lot, Freen. You can't even imagine the love I hold for you.


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