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Freen's PoV

As Becky's pregnancy progressed, my mom came to visit us, wanting to ensure we were both taken care of. She brought with her an array of healthy and delicious dishes, filling our home with the comforting smells of home-cooked meals.

"Thank you, Mom. This means so much to us," I said, hugging her tightly.

"Anything for my girls," she replied with a smile.

Becky's parents also visited frequently, their excitement palpable. They would talk to Becky's growing belly, speaking to their grandchild and bringing gifts that filled our home with even more love and anticipation.

"We can't wait to meet you, little one," Becky's mom would say, her voice filled with emotion.

The support from our families made the entire experience even more special. We felt surrounded by love and positivity, each day bringing us closer to the moment we would welcome our child into the world.

Becky's PoV

Despite the physical discomforts and emotional ups and downs, this period of my life was filled with joy and contentment. Freen's unwavering support and the love from our families made everything easier to bear. I was grateful for every moment, knowing that we were building a beautiful future together.

One evening, as we lay in bed, I placed Freen's hand on my belly, feeling our baby's gentle movements. "Can you feel that?"

Freen's eyes lit up with wonder. "Yes, I can. It's incredible."

We shared a tender kiss, our hearts overflowing with love and anticipation. We knew that the journey ahead would have its challenges, but we were ready to face them together, secure in the knowledge that our love was strong enough to overcome anything.

As we drifted off to sleep, I whispered, "I love you, Freen."

"I love you too, Becky. Forever and always," she replied, her voice filled with promise.

Our life was filled with happiness, and we were eagerly awaiting the arrival of our little one, knowing that the best was yet to come.

Freen's PoV

The months of Becky's pregnancy were a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. Each passing day brought new changes, both thrilling and challenging. We documented everything, capturing each moment in photos and videos, creating a digital scrapbook of our journey to parenthood.

One particularly memorable day, we decided to have a maternity photoshoot. Becky wore a flowing white dress that highlighted her baby bump, and we chose a beautiful garden as our backdrop. As the photographer snapped away, Becky's radiant smile and glowing skin were a testament to the life growing inside her. We held each other close, whispering sweet nothings and imagining our future with our child.

"You look stunning, Becky," I said, caressing her face.

"And you, Freen, you make everything feel perfect," she replied, her eyes filled with love.

As Becky's belly grew larger, her cravings became more intense and specific. One night, she woke me up at 2 AM with a sudden craving for spicy mango salad.

"Freen, I need it now," she said, her eyes wide with urgency.

I chuckled, quickly getting dressed. "Alright, let's find you some mango salad."

We drove around the city until we found a 24-hour restaurant that satisfied her craving. Sitting in the car, sharing the salad, we laughed and talked about the baby's possible names, feeling closer than ever.

There were also moments of vulnerability. Becky's mood swings were unpredictable, and there were days when she would burst into tears over the smallest things. During one such moment, I found her in the nursery, sitting on the rocking chair, tears streaming down her face.

"What's wrong, love?" I asked, kneeling beside her.

"I'm just scared, Freen. What if I'm not a good mother?" she said, her voice trembling.

I took her hands in mine, looking into her eyes. "You're going to be an amazing mother, Becky. Our child is so lucky to have you."


Only few more chapters to go!

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