Chapter 2 (School Sucks)

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Closing the diary and putting the pen down. Pearl Clearwater sat at her desk, looking at the photos of her and her family on her display board.

"We were all so happy back then." She murmured.

Her deep blue eyes held a far away look, sadness swirling inside them. Before snapping back, replacing the eyes that held so much emotion, with blank cold eyes that do nothing but give chilling hard stares to others. Eyes that once held such kindness now holds nothing except emptiness. With a cold and calculating look paired with a blank face that's void of any emotion it's no wonder that she greatly intimidated others and kept people from getting close to her. Pearl is what people call a lone Wolf. She doesn't need others to survive. In fact she prefers to be alone. Letting others in can only bring pain. That is something she has learnt the hard way.

*Pearl's POV*

Time for another day of hell. Hopefully Megan leaves me alone today. I mean, she had her fun yesterday, 'accidentally' spilling her entire soda can over my head and laughing about it with her group of friends after it happened. So that should still be fresh in their minds. They shouldn't have any desire to do anything new to me today. Perhaps that's just wishful thinking though. Well. Best not dwell on it.

*Third Person POV*

Thinking about the days future events and how to prepare for them was an endless task for Pearl. Be she has become used to planning ahead.

*Pearls POV*

I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on my way out. Mum already served breakfast to Seth and Leah this morning, and all of them seem to have already left. I took a quick glance into the kitchen just to see if there was an food left for me. Surprise, surprise, there wasn't. Just a bare countertop greeting me.

"Go figure", I murmured. Of course they didn't leave me anything.

Exiting the house I made my way round back to where my motorcycle is stored. I got a motorcycle for my 16th birthday, it was the last thing dad ever got me. And i love it more than life itself. It's a shiny black metallic colour and a real speed demon. It's always so much fun to ride. Pulling the cover off, I got on and turned the key. Hearing the engine roar to life was always exciting to hear.

"Time for school. Let's get going. Best not turn up late." With that, I sped out of the driveway and headed off towards the res' high school. If Chief Swan saw how fast I leave the driveway every morning, I'm pretty sure I'd get a ticket. Lucky for me, hardly anyone is around here at this time of day so I can drive however I want. I ain't crashed yet, so I'm gonna enjoy the freedom that comes with a motorcycle powerhouse.

The ride to school is a short one but it's always so thrilling to have the wind in my face, with nothing but the sound of my bikes engine filling my ears.

Pulling up into the school parking lot is always an experience. I mean, kids just stand around and stare at each other whilst talking to their friends in their own little bubbles. I heard that Forks high is worse when it comes to the judgemental staring but I've never attended there, so, I can't really compare. It's like people don't have anything better to do. I can think of many things I'd rather be doing than standing around in a school parking lot watching all the late comers arrive before heading to class. I parked my bike in the designated area and turned it off. Making my way inside the building, towards my locker. I had to walk past Megan in the hall way and she was smirking at me whilst whispering something to Bethany. Bethany was giggling so it must have been funny I guess. Bethany is Megan's best friend, you hardly ever see one without the other. The resident gossip girls of the reservation. Reaching my locker, I pulled out the books I needed for the day and headed off to English.

"Day starts now, it will be over soon," I mumbled to myself as I walked to the back and sat in my seat. Miss Lacey started the class and it was pretty boring. I lost interest really quickly. So I pulled out my sketchbook from my bag and started drawing instead. I was about halfway through my horse portrait when my name was called.

"Miss Clearwater! Is there something else you'd rather be doing right now?" She shouted angrily. The whole class started snickering.

My mind was blank. I didn't know what to say, so I stayed silent and just stared at her. That was the wrong move.

"Nothing to say. See me after school. Maybe you'll pay better attention after an hour of detention."

Before I could stop myself, I blurted out "But miss that's not fair!"

"Two hours then!" Boomed Miss Lacey.

I slumped back down in my seat, glaring at her whilst the class laughed at my misery. "Stupid woman" I whispered. I guess I said that a little to loudly cause Bethany my desk mate heard me. And proceeded to smirk. Before I new it she was shouting to the teaching at the top of her lungs.

"Miss Lacey! Pearl just called you a stupid woman!"

I mean what is this?! Kindergarten. We're in high school for crying out loud! What's with this telling on me to the teacher bullshit! What the hell?! Who still does that? My inner rant was swiftly interrupted by an angry Miss Lacey who was resembling more of a tomato at the moment rather than a human.

"Go to the principles office!"

"But - " I was cut off.

"NOW!" She practically screamed.

I was so frustrated at this point so I bit out a "fine". Got up from my seat, grabbed my stuff and left the classroom. Heading for the principles office for a delightful visit. "Im sure this will go well" sarcasm dripping off my words as I walked down the hallway.

The principle was not 'delighted' to see me. I've visited them a few times in the past few months so this isn't the first time, but I think they are getting pretty fed up with me. Even though half the time I'm sent here it's for stupid crap. At this point it might be worth starting a physical fight in the cafeteria with a random person just so when I inevitably get punished I can feel like I actually did something to earn said punishment. I'd probably pick either Megan or Bethany if I was gonna punch someone. There are many things they do that could be considered deserving of a good punch. Anyway, I got yelled at for my 'disrespectful behaviour' and they said that my mother would be hearing about my appalling actions. I mean... what was it that I actually did that was so awful?

When they mention Sue I just kinda stopped listening. She's never gonna do anything. She's hardly ever in the house anymore. And when she is I'm at the bottom of her priority list. Im still kinda bitter about that. Cause if the school was calling about Seth then oh no full attention will go to him. 'Stop what your doing! Theres something wrong with the baby!' At that thought I couldn't hide my chuckle. The principle thought I was laughing at him so I was placed in isolation for the rest of the day. I mean I would correct him, but he wouldn't listen to me anyway, so, why waste my breath.

When my isolation concluded I had to join Miss Lacey for my two hour detention, so that was pure torture. Writing lines from the dictionary 500 times is so tedious, a really gruelling process. When it was finally over my hand felt like it was gonna fall off. So I decided to sit outside the school on a bench for a while and listen to music to relax. No one was around so it was really quiet. I wasn't gonna bother anyone by doing it. So I got nice and comfortable.

It was late when I finally got up from the bench and got onto my bike to head home. Like 7pm kinda late. Didn't bother me, since no one's gonna be home anyway. They won't even know about it. Which is why I was very surprised when I pulled up to the house and entered the front door to find Leah standing in front of me with folded arms glaring as if I'd killed her dog, or something. Bit of an over reaction if you ask me. I was expecting a disappointed look or two from mum when she eventually finds out about my school endeavours. But I was not expecting to be greeted by an angry Leah. This is quite surprising. What on earth does she want?

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