August 1992

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On August 5, Curly Watts goes on a blind date with someone he has been matched with by a dating agency - he is stunned to find that it is his old girlfriend Kimberley Taylor.

A week later, Alec Gilroy is offered a job in Southampton and wants him and Bet to give up the Rovers in order that he can take up the offer.

The next day, Melanie Clifford gets a shock when a man in a mask taps on her window.

Four days later, Encouraged by the hint of promotion dropped by Bettabuy Area Manager Brendan Scott, Curly Watts proposes to Kimberley Taylor.

Two weeks later, As the Gilroys prepare to leave the Rovers and Weatherfield, Bet decides she doesn't want to go. Randy and Larry gave Melanie an advice for what she did 18 days prior.

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