December 1991

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On December 3, Sarah Connolly is kidnapped by Jim Latimer, the man who murdered Sharon Crossthwaite in 1973.

Two days later, Sarah discovers Jim murdered Sharon.

Five days later, Jack Sugden finds out Sarah's whereabouts. Jack beats up Jim and tries to strangle him, but Jack is stopped by Joe and Jim is arrested.

A week later, Nick reveals that he killed Eddie and is arrested.

Two days later, Clyde returns to the Square.

The next day, Steve McDonald is horrified when his mum Liz shops his criminal friends to the police for stealing radios. Steve thinks he will be beaten up.

Four days later, Elsa decides Nick should look after their daughter Alice. She leaves the village afterwards. Caroline returns to Scarborough.

The next day, Jealous that his ex-partner Alma Sedgewick has been seeing Ken Barlow, Mike Baldwin lures Alma to bed. Des Foster makes a pass at Bet Gilroy, but she throws him out of the Rovers.

Another next day, Grant surprises Sharon with a wedding, and Mark reveals to Pauline and Arthur that he is HIV Positive.

Another next day, Andy McDonald is beaten up by a gang who is after his twin brother Steve.

Four days later, Amos returns to the village. Narvel insults Liz McDonald over her twin sons when Jim isn't around.

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