March 1993

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On March 2, Michael Feldmann is sentenced to 4 months in prison for burglary, while William Moody, James Cartmell and Steve Marshal are sentenced to 6 months.

The next day, Angie Freeman moves out of No.7.

Another next day, Vicki Fowler goes missing from school and Michelle believes unstable Jack has kidnapped her.

Another next day, Fantasist Carmel Finnan tells Martin Platt that she's pregnant with his baby.

Three days later, Ivy Brennan tells Gail Platt that Martin spent a night with Carmel Finnan.

Another three days later, Vicki is found safe and well. Lia decided to become a singer.

The next day, Maureen Naylor starts work at Bettabuy.

Four days later, In the heat of an argument, Grant Mitchell hits Sharon.

The next day, Gail Platt and Carmel Finnan have a confrontation which ends with Carmel falling down a flight of stairs.

Another next day, Gita gives birth to Sharmilla.

Another next day, As Carmel Finnan recovers in Weatherfield General after her falls down the stairs, the Platts discover that she was never pregnant in the first place.

Three days later, The Platts' nightmare with Carmel Finnan comes to an end when her grandfather takes her back to Ireland.

Another three days later, Grant attacks Michelle and a police officer and is arrested.

Six days later, John Hargreaves, the man who knocked down Lisa Duckworth, calls on Des Barnes to express his remorse.

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