December 1990

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On December 4, Sarah Connolly uncovers some old bones at Emmerdale Farm.

Two days later, Lia had a recital as Brad is still punished.

Two weeks later, Marla had too much violence all over her kids.

The next day, Alf Roberts is made President of the Weatherfield Association of Retail Traders and Stockholders (WARTS).

Three days later, Sally Webster goes into labour on her own, and gives birth in Don Brennan's taxi in Rosamund Street with Liz McDonald acting as midwife.

The next day, Gail Tilsley gives birth to a baby boy, David. In the act of revenge on Simon, Ian crashes a van with them both inside. Disa O'Brien gives birth in a derelict building and leaves the baby on Diane's doorstep.

Two days later, Simon and Cindy depart from Walford to stay with Cindy's parents for a while.

Four days later, Ken Barlow attempts suicide.

The Tilsleys - The Soap Opera Story Part 1: 1990sWhere stories live. Discover now