June-September 1990

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On June 5, Michael Feldmann is arrested under the suspicion of starting the Tate's barn conversion fire.

A week later, Elsa Feldmann reveals she is pregnant with Nick Bates's baby. Michael Feldmann later punches Nick in The Woolpack. Nick Cotton tries to poison Dot after receiving the news that she's won a lot of money.

Two days later, Nick Bates discovers Elsa Feldmann is pregnant with his baby.

Four days later, In anticipation of the sale of No.1 to Newton & Ridley, the brewery installs a new relief manager, Roger Woodhouse in the Rovers, taking over from Alec and Bet Gilroy. Cecil Newton intervenes and tells the Gilroys that the pub is still theirs.

Three days later, Archie Brooks returns from staying with his mother. Rachel Hughes falls unconscious at a party.

Five days later, Little Janine runs away from home and Pat causing chaos for the Butcher family. Unfortunately, Lynn was killed after Janine was kidnapped by her. Janine is headed back home. Nick Bates proposes to Elsa Feldmann. She declines.

On July 1, Michelle goes to visit Sharon's birth mother, Carol Hanley. The funeral was held for Lynn Tilsley after she kidnapped Janine. Kyle, Narvel, Larry and Keith were upset about their only sister's passing.

The next day, Curly Watts is promoted to Assistant Manager at Bettabuy.

Four days later, A free bus service from Bettabuy starts to pick up customers in Coronation Street. Alf Roberts is not best pleased.

Another four days later, Sarah Connolly crashes Kate Sugden's car into a concrete bollard.

Two days later, The Tavernier family arrive on the Square and Sharon encounters her birth mother for the first time.

Five days later, during friend Annie Sugden's 70th birthday party, Amos Brearly collapses with a stroke.

Two days later, Randy was upset at Samantha "Sam" Mitchell.

The next day, Steve McDonald and Joanne Khan elope from the Street at night to go to the Lake District together. Kyle told them not to elope, but Steve heads back to his parents' house.

Ten days later, Ken Barlow receives a letter from Peter telling him that he is marrying girlfriend Jessica Midgeley next week.

The next day, Sharon discovers that Simon is the father of Steven.

On August 1, Larry, who is not married, asked Flick to stay away from Jenny.

The next day, Cindy tells Ian he's not the father of Steven. Pete Whiteley returns to the village without his wife.

Five days later, After the news of Steven not being his maternal son, Ian crashes his van in the act of suicide.

The next day, Mike Baldwin interviews Jackie Ingram, who is posing as "Jackie Williams" in order to spy on Mike's new operation for her husband - Mike's boss and future opponent: Peter Ingram.

Another next day, Larry insults Charlie Aindow for using his allowance.

Six days later, Factory owner Peter Ingram collapses with a massive heart attack in front of Mike Baldwin whilst arguing with him.

The next day, Pete Whiteley is run over by Kate Sugden. Kate's friend, Fran Carter, tells her to drive home. They call an ambulance but because Fran wasn't specific enough with the location, Pete doesn't make it.

The next day, Peter Ingram dies of a heart attack.

Three days later, A Coppergram Man stripper turns up at the Rovers and serenades Vera Duckworth on her wedding anniversary. He's been sent and paid for by Steph Barnes in the latest act in the dispute between the two households.

The next day, Mark Fowler returns to Walford. Kate Sugden and Fran Carter are arrested. Fran is released but Kate is charged with murder. Rachel Hughes discovers Kate killed Pete.

Two days later, Keith and his family asked Tony Charlton about praying well.

The next day, the McDonald twins receive their "O"-level results. Andy does as well as expected and although Steve's grades are nowhere near as good as his brother's, his parents expected far worse and go overboard in praising him, much to Andy's annoyance.

Four days later, Pete Whiteley's funeral takes place. Lynn Whiteley gives birth to a son, just 12 days after her husband's death. Caroline Bates returns to the village.

Two days later, Alan Turner sacks Jock MacDonald in front of The Woolpack customers.

The next day, Ken Barlow moves into the corner shop flat.

On Sept. 3, despite her supposedly being the girlfriend of brewery boss Nigel Ridley, Tina Fowler is sacked from the Rovers by Bet Gilroy. Tina later discovers that she was just Nigel's bit on the side

The next day, after months of mysterious behavior, Mo Butcher is diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

A week later, Ian discovers that Simon is the father of Steven in Devon.

Six days later, Liz McDonald begins work as a barmaid at the Rovers.

The next day, Kim Tate's stables are set alight by Jock MacDonald.

Three days later, Deirdre Barlow begins divorce proceedings against Ken.

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