June-July 1992

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On June 3, Terry Duckworth, on the run from police, is apprehended at Bettabuy.

Two days later, Ted Sullivan and Rita Fairclough are married.

Three days later, Vera Duckworth quits her job at Bettabuy.

The next day, Kyle asked Neil Kincaid about his stocks after his investments as did Narvel's.

Two days later, Kim Tate falls off her horse and suffers a miscarriage. Her husband, Frank, is surprised as he didn't know she was pregnant. Kyle was very sweet to Lorraine Nelson, a teenage girl.

Eight days later, Mike Baldwin and Alma Sedgewick marry. Don Brennan crashes his car.

Four days later, Mark Fowler and Gill Robinson get married. Eric Pollard proposes to Elizabeth Feldmann.

Two days later, AIDS takes over Gill completely and she dies in the arms of Mark.

On July 2, A woman arrives at the cottage, telling Nick Bates that Alice is not his and Elsa Feldmann's child before snatching her.

The next day, Following his car crash from reckless driving, Don Brennan is told that his lower right leg will have to be amputated.

Four days later, The woman who snatched Alice Bates turns out to be a mental hospital patient and is re-admitted.

Three days later, Ken Barlow publicly accuses Mike Baldwin of conning Emily Bishop out of money.

Another three days later, Terry Duckworth is sentenced to three years in Strangeways for GBH. Kyle told Lisa to divorced Terry.

Two days later, In the latest stage of their bitter feud, Mike Baldwin threatens to sue Ken Barlow for slander for comments he made suggesting that he's conned Emily Bishop out of some money.

Another two days later, Curly Watts purchases No.7 from Rita Sullivan.

Three days later, Harry Norton's Mexican mouse-eating spider escapes from its vivarium into the Rovers, causing the customers to leave the pub.

Another three days later, Rachel Hughes breaks off her engagement to Michael Feldmann. Kyle told Richard Cole about his investments.

The next day, Not knowing of Ted Sullivan's terminal tumor, the Wiltons think that Rita has married a drunk when his speech starts to become slurred.

Five days later, Don Brennan moves into a B&B after his release from hospital rather than return to wife Ivy.

The next day, Grant Mitchell is furious when he discovers that Sharon Watts is taking the pill as he is determined to have a baby.

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