May 1991

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On May 2, Keith and his friends went out fishing again as the body was found belongs to a nine year old girl Tillie Conrad, who went missing a month earlier.

The next day, Alf Roberts wins his latest council election battle but Audrey leaves him as she suspects he's been having an affair with Vivian Barford.

Four days later, Chris Tate tries to force himself on his girlfriend Kathy Merrick, but she slaps him.

Two days later, Nick beats up Chris when he storms into 3 Demdyke Row demanding to see Kathy.

The next day, After several days of the water being cut off the supply is restored - only for No.9 to be flooded as the Duckworths left their taps on.

Twelve days later, Steve McDonald skives off school, missing an exam.

The next day, Ricky Butcher and Sam Mitchell announce that they're engaged.

Another next day, Jim McDonald throws son Steve out of No.11 as he refuses to go to school.

Four days later, Michael Feldmann proposes to Rachel Hughes. Narvel visits Gill Robinson.

Two days later, Zoe quits her job at Bennetts Veterinary Practice.

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