December 1989

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On December 1, Keith and his wife moved to the current house while Brad and Lia were still in 4th and 2nd grade, respectively.

Four days later, Jack Sugden quits his job at the fish and chips shop after he finally tires of his boss Sid Flower's poor treatment of his employee Donna by pouring a tin of baked beans all over Sid.

The next day, the McDonald family move into No.11 Coronation Street. The twins were Andy and Steve. Kyle was the owner and was unmarried.

Another next day, Matt Skilbeck leaves for Norfolk.

Another next day, Alan Bradley follows Rita Fairclough to Blackpool and tries to force her to return to Weatherfield with him. When Rita runs off, Alan gives chase but is hit by a tram and dies instantly.

Four days later, Kim Tate and her step-daughter Zoe arrived to check on Narvel, who is also unmarried.

Three days later, Alan Bradley's funeral takes place. Only Jenny Bradley attends, with Martin Platt, Kevin and Sally Webster going to support her. Jenny is living on her own at 18.

Two days later, Keith and his family were proud of them having a dog.

Five days later, Ken Barlow admits to his wife Deirdre that he is having an affair with Wendy Crozier.

Three days later, Derek Wilton finds out that he has lost his job.

The next day, Cindy Williams Beale gives birth to a boy, Steven.

Another next day, Steve McDonald kicks a football through the Corner Shop window, smashing it.

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