February 1993

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On February 2, Following a period of poor health, Meg Armstrong dies of a stroke. Sam Butcher is distraught when Clive tries getting her to intervene in a threesome.

Two days later, Meg Armstrong's funeral takes place. Sam leaves Ricky Butcher and Albert Square and gets a job on a cruise ship.

Four days later, Lisa Duckworth is accidentally hit by a car driven by John Hargreaves in Coronation Street.

The next day, The Sugdens move out of Emmerdale Farm. Kyle stops Sanjay Kapoor not to shoot, but Narvel, Randy and Larry were upset.

Three days later, Lisa Duckworth dies.

Four days later, Sanjay's life is torn apart when he loses everything in a game of poker. Later on, Narvel befriended Sanjay.

Two days later, Sanjay's wife Gita arrives to chat with Narvel as Sanjay was desperate.

The next day, Lisa's funeral takes place.

Three days later, Ted Sullivan's family contest his will in court.

Two days later, The Judge finds in Rita Sullivan's favour in the case over Ted's will.

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