May 1990

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On May 1, Den Watts' first funeral takes place. Jock MacDonald is kicked in the head by Kim Tate's horse.

The next day, Martin Platt persuades Gail Tilsley not to abort the baby they are expecting.

Two days later, Reg Holdsworth moves into the Corner Shop flat.

Six days later, Ian Beale, Cindy Beale, Sharon Watts, Simon Wicks and Michelle Fowler all enjoy a meal together. Mark Hughes is arrested for shoplifting. Kate Sugden collapses during Mark's police interview.

The next day, Ivy Brennan is horrified when Gail Tilsley tells her that she is pregnant with Martin Platt's baby.

Two days later, Brad, Lia and Misty held hostage by a babysitter, and she fled before arresting as the parents Keith and Marla came home.

The next day, Ivy Brennan orders Gail Tilsley to marry Martin Platt before their baby is born.

Another next day, Kate Sugden discovers she has lost her baby.

A week later, Eric Pollard proposes to Debbie Wilson. She accepts.

Two days later, Ethel Skinner investigates Nick Cotton after he claims to be a reformed man, but Dot cannot decide if her son is truly a reformed character or the worst thing since Dr. Crippen. Frank and Kim Tate discover their barn conversion on fire.

Five days later, Eric Pollard discovers Debbie Wilson ran away with the money he gave her.

The Tilsleys - The Soap Opera Story Part 1: 1990sWhere stories live. Discover now