January 1995

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On January 4, Denise Osbourne gives birth to a son, Daniel. The father is Ken Barlow.

Five days later, Curly Watts and Des Barnes fight over Raquel Wolstenhulme.

The next day, After discovering Eric Pollard had been trying to defraud him, Alan Turner bars him from The Woolpack before kneeing him in the groin.

Two days later, Seth Armstrong and Betty Eagleton are unintentionally kidnapped by Zak and Butch Dingle when the two drive off with Seth and Betty's caravan with them in it. Betty hits one of the police officers in the head with a cast iron pan, mistaking him for the kidnapper.

A week later, Frank Tate has Eric Pollard's car crushed. Angharad McAllister slaps Hotten Comprehensive's headmaster, calling him a sanctimonious hypocrite when he sides with Tina Dingle when she claims Bernard McAllister touched her. Randy was at the store hearing Melissa Etheridge on the radio, Emma Nightingale came by to chat with him.

The next day, Mike Baldwin leases No.1 to Tricia Armstrong but is furious to discover former owner Ken Barlow has taken the furniture.

Four days later, Bianca Jackson throws a party after Alan and Carol stay out for the night. The party ends in tatters when a brawl occurs on the street, and the police are called. Narvel was with Tiffany Raymond at the time of the party while Nellie Dingle slaps him before he told her about Ben.

The next day, Tricia and Jamie Armstrong move into No.1.

Another next day, Seth Armstrong is prosecuted for having a shotgun without a license.

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