April 1993

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On April 2, After a gap of many years, Reg Holdsworth is re-introduced to Maureen Naylor's mother and his nemesis, Maud Grimes.

Three days later, John Hargreaves is cleared of the charge of dangerous driving and causing the death of Lisa Duckworth, much to Vera's anger.

Two days later, Bettabuy is held up by gunmen who succeed with their raid despite Andy McDonald tackling them.

A week later, Jim McDonald violently attacks a youth breaking into a building site that he's night watchman over.

Eight days later, In a fit of rage and jealousy, Lorraine Nelson throws a rock through Mark Hughes's window when she sees him kissing Debbie Buttershaw.

The next day, Andy McDonald discovers that girlfriend Amy Nelson is the mother of a young child.

Four days later, Alan Turner proposes to Caroline Bates. She turns him down.

Three days later, Derek Wilton refits a light in The Kabin but drills into the flat above and through Reg Holdsworth's waterbed at the very moment that he is using it to "entertain" Maureen Naylor. Brendan had turned 30. He was born on Apr. 30, 1963.

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