Dark Ominis

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Warnings: mild kidnapping, manhandling, small implied sa.. very mild. Enjoy!

Ominis Gaunt had always prided himself on being different from his family. While the Gaunts were notorious for their obsession with blood purity and dark magic, Ominis sought a different path. His friendship with Sebastian Sallow, a fellow Slytherin at Hogwarts, had been a beacon of light in his life, steering him away from the dark legacy that haunted his family name. However, darkness has a way of creeping in, even through the smallest cracks.

It started subtly, after drinking a particularly spicy butterbeer with his friends. Whispers in the night, ancient secrets calling out to him from the depths of his mind. Ominis found himself drawn to the forbidden section of the Hogwarts library, compelled to learn more about his family's history and complicated spells.

He discovered a hidden journal belonging to his ancestor, Salazar Slytherin when visiting the secret scriptorium, detailing even more powerful and malevolent spells. As he read, Ominis felt a surge of power unlike anything he had ever experienced.

Despite his initial resistance, the allure of this newfound power became too much to resist. The whispers grew louder, urging him to claim what was rightfully his. He began practicing dark magic in secret, each spell deepening his connection to his heritage. His demeanor changed; he became more distant, his once gentle eyes now glinting with a cold intensity.

Sebastian noticed the change in his friend, but his concern was overshadowed by his own preoccupations and his growing relationship with Y/N, the kind-hearted Hufflepuff and new fifth-year. They had been inseparable for months, their bond a testament to love's ability to bridge house divides. Their happiness only fueled Ominis' growing resentment.

One evening, as Sebastian and Y/N sat by the lake, enjoying a quiet moment together, Ominis approached them, his presence casting a chilling shadow. The once amiable smile was replaced by a sinister smirk.

"Ominis, it's good to see you," Sebastian greeted him warmly, though a flicker of unease crossed his face.

"Is it?" Ominis' voice was a low hiss, sending a shiver down Y/N's spine. "Or have you forgotten about your old friend, now that you have... this?" He gestured disdainfully towards Y/N.

Sebastian stood, sensing the danger. "What are you talking about? You're our friend, Ominis. What's gotten into you?"

"What's gotten into me?" Ominis echoed, his eyes darkening. "What's gotten into you, Sebastian? Parading around with her, as if you deserve happiness. As if you deserve, what is mine."

Y/N's eyes widened in shock. "Ominis, we didn't know you felt this way.. We never wanted to hurt you, we care about you."

"Care?" Ominis spat the word like a curse. "You don't know the meaning of it. But you will. I'll make sure of that."

With a swift, fluid motion, Ominis positioned himself into a fighting stance, the air crackling with dark energy. Sebastian reacted instinctively, stepping protectively in front of Y/N, his own wand at the ready.

"Don't do this, Ominis," Sebastian pleaded. "Whatever is happening to you, you can still come back from this."

Ominis' expression twisted with rage and sorrow. "There is no coming back. Not anymore."

A fierce duel erupted, spells flying with deadly precision. Sebastian and Y/N fought valiantly, but Ominis' dark magic was overpowering. Just as it seemed all hope was lost, Y/N, driven by a surge of ancient magic and courage, stepped forward.

"Ominis, please! This isn't you!"

For a brief moment, Ominis hesitated, his eyes meeting Y/N's. But the darkness had taken root too deeply. With a final, heart-wrenching spell, he sent Sebastian crashing to the ground.

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