Sebastian - Frenemies? Pt. 2

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Sebastian wandered through the dense, ancient forest surrounding Hogwarts, enjoying the quiet escape from the castle's bustling hallways. The crisp autumn air was filled with the earthy scent of pine and moss, and the sound of leaves rustling underfoot was a soothing accompaniment to his thoughts.

As he meandered deeper into the woods, he suddenly heard rapid footsteps approaching from the mound of rocks to his left. Instinctively he reached for his wand, pointing it in the direction of the noise, ready for whatever might come.

To his surprise, Y/N burst through the trees, her eyes looking over her shoulder. As she turned to keep looking forward, she yelped as her foot fell upon open air, causing her to fall from the structure.

She stumbled as her feet hit the ground, resulting in her careening into Sebastian as her momentum knocked the pair of them over - Y/N landing on top of Sebastian as he released a grunt of her weight on top of him.

"Y/N?" Sebastian's grunt of surprise was evident in his voice. "What are you—"

"Shh!" Y/N aggressively whispered to him. She glanced over her shoulder, still on top of the handsome Slytherin. The pair quietly listened as her breath came in quick, shallow gasps. "They're coming.. Quickly!" she whispered urgently, her eyes pleading for his cooperation.

Without waiting for a response, she quickly pushed herself off him before grabbing his arm and dragged him towards a large, fallen tree. They ducked behind it.

"Y/N, what is-" Y/N's hand clamped over Sebastian's mouth to keep him silent.

"Shut it!" She harshly whispered to him. His heartbeat quickened, not from fear, but from the unexpected proximity to Y/N and the intensity in her eyes as she observed the scene before her.

Voices echoed through the forest, as they peeked through a space in the tree, seeing two men and one woman emerge, harsh and menacing. "Spread out! She can't have gone far!"

Poachers, Sebastian realized. They were known to lurk in the Forbidden Forest, hunting magical creatures and sometimes even targeting students who wandered too far. He felt Y/N's grip tighten on his arm, and he nodded slightly to reassure her that he understood the danger.

The voices grew louder as one of the men drew closer, and Sebastian could see shadows moving through the trees. He held his breath, acutely aware of Y/N's hand still pressed against his mouth and her body tensed beside him. The seconds stretched into what felt like hours as they waited for the poachers to pass.

Finally, the voices began to fade, and the shadows moved away, leaving an eerie silence in their wake. Y/N slowly lowered her hand from Sebastian's mouth, her eyes still darting around to ensure the coast was clear.

"Are you alright?" she asked in a hushed voice, her concern evident.

Sebastian nodded, his curiosity about her intensifying. "What the hell was that?" he frustratedly asked her before continuing, "I thought I told you to stay out of trouble the last time I saw you?! What are you even doing out here?" He quickly got up from his spot as she quickly scanned over him for injuries, his eyes searching hers.

Y/N hesitated for a moment before answering. "Just... something," she said vaguely, avoiding his gaze as she turned and started to walk in the direction of the castle.

"Just something," he mocked before following after her with a sense of purpose driving his steps. "Something important enough to risk running into poachers?" Sebastian pressed, his intrigue growing as he quickly followed her form.

"I didn't expect to be chased if that's what you want to know," Y/N replied, her voice steady but guarded. "Let's just say it was something I had to do.. And don't you dare ask about it because I'm not going to tell you," she finished with a tone of finality.

Sebastian frowned slightly but didn't push further. "You know, you're braver than I thought," he admitted, a hint of admiration in his tone. "But you need to be more careful. The forest can be dangerous."

"I know," Y/N replied, her voice steadier now. "Thank you, for not giving us away."

Sebastian smirked, though his expression was softer than usual. "Don't read too much into it."

Y/N's lips curved into a small smile, and she gave a slight nod. "Still, thank you."

As they continued walking, Sebastian couldn't help but feel a growing fascination with Y/N. There was more to her than the studious, composed Ravenclaw he had known. She was brave, resourceful, and enigmatic, traits he found increasingly appealing.

They walked back towards the castle in silence, but the air between them was charged with a new understanding. Sebastian's mind buzzed with thoughts of their unexpected encounter, his interest in Y/N skyrocketing with every step they took.

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