Sebastian - Anne's Cure

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Note: In this one-shot Solomon is still alive and Sebastian didn't kill him, but everything else in the HL storyline did happen. :)


Sebastian Sallow sat in the Slytherin common room, staring at the fire as it crackled and danced in the hearth. The warm light flickered over his face, casting shadows that mirrored the turmoil within him. For weeks now, he had been searching for a way to lift the curse that plagued his sister, Anne. He had delved into dark magic, ancient texts, and even confronted dangers that many wouldn't dare face. Yet, nothing had worked. His desperation had grown with each passing day.

As he brooded over his latest failed attempt with the dark relic, a soft tapping echoed through the room. It was an owl, perched on the designated owl stand in their common room, carrying a letter sealed with a familiar crest. Sebastian's heart skipped a beat. He scrambled over, untying the letter with trembling hands.


You won't believe it, but I feel... better. The pain, the weakness, it's all gone. I can't explain it, but it's true. I woke up this morning feeling like my old self.

I don't think it had anything to do with your attempts at the catacomb either.

Please, come quickly. I need to see you.

Love, Anne

Sebastian read the letter twice, scarcely believing the words. A mixture of elation and confusion swept over him. How could this be? He needed answers, and he knew he had to find Y/N. She had been instrumental in their quest to cure Anne, and perhaps she could help him understand this miracle.

He dashed out of the common room, his mind racing with questions and hopes. As he hurried through the dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts, he spotted a familiar figure.

"Ominis!" he called out, breathless.

Ominis Gaunt turned, his usually calm demeanor replaced by a look of distress. "Sebastian, thank Merlin I found you."

Sebastian frowned. "What's wrong?"

"It's Y/N," Ominis said, his voice shaking. "I overheard some professors talking. Apparently she was snatched by Rookwood and is now going after Ranrok."

The blood drained from Sebastian's face. "Rookwood? And Ranrok? Why would she—"

"I don't know," Ominis interrupted, panic edging his voice. "But the professors are ordering all students back to their common rooms. They're saying it's for our safety."

In that moment they felt the earth tremor underneath their feet, a dark feeling settling in their stomaches, knowing that those tremors had something to do with their friend.

Sebastian felt a knot of fear tighten in his stomach. He grabbed Ominis by the shoulders. "We have to find her. We can't just leave her out there alone."

Ominis nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "Let's go."

The two friends sprinted through the halls, their hearts pounding with urgency. As they rounded a corner, they were met by Professor Black, flanked by several other professors.

"Mr. Sallow, Mr. Gaunt," Black said sternly, "all students are to return to their common rooms immediately. This is not up for debate."

"But Professor," Sebastian began, "our friend—"

"I am aware of the situation," Black interrupted, his tone diffusing any chance at an argument. "The other professors are handling it. You both are to return to your common room. Immediately."

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