Sebastian - Betrayed by a Friend

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Warnings: Snakes, kidnapping, hostage, etc.

The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the abandoned castle ruins deep within the Forbidden Forest. It was here, amid the crumbling stone walls and overgrown foliage, that Y/N had agreed to meet Sebastian. They had been investigating rumors of a small repository of Isadora's in the area, hoping to destroy it before anyone else discovered it.

Y/N paced nervously, her wand clutched tightly in her hand. Sebastian was late, and an uneasy feeling gnawed at her insides. She glanced around the eerie, shadow-filled clearing, her senses heightened. Something was off.

"Y/N," a familiar voice called from the shadows, causing her to spin around. Sebastian emerged, looking harried and out of breath. "I'm sorry I'm late. I—"

His words were cut off by the sudden appearance of another figure, stepping out from the darkness with an unsettling calm. Ominis Gaunt. His presence sent a chill down Y/N's spine.

She started to harshly whisper to Sebastian, "I thought we were doing this on our own."

"We are," he whispered back.

"Ominis?" Y/N's voice wavered with confusion and concern. "What are you doing here?"

Ominis' expression was cold, his once warm eyes now void of any kindness. "I've come to claim what's mine," he said flatly, his gaze locking onto Y/N with an intensity that made her shiver.

Sebastian took a small step forward, placing himself protectively between Ominis and Y/N. "What are you talking about, Ominis? You don't normally sound like this."

"Oh, but it is," Ominis replied, his voice dripping with malice. "I've finally embraced who I truly am: a Gaunt. I know that you are looking into destroying this small source of Isadora's magic, but I won't let you take anything from me again."

Before either of them could react, Ominis cast bombarda, effectively launching Sebastian away. "Sebastian!" Y/N cried as she began to move over to him. She halted in her steps though, when she heard a series of hisses and snarls coming from Ominis.

"Parseltounge," she thought to herself.

He summoned a swarm of five large serpents from the shadows. The snakes slithered swiftly, coiling around Y/N with alarming speed. She gasped, her eyes widening in terror as their cold, scaly bodies tightened around her torso and ankles, causing her to fall to her knees as she was immobilized completely.

"Ominis, let her go!" Sebastian shouted, his wand aimed at his former friend as he

"Don't even think about it," Ominis sneered, commanding the snakes to tighten their grip. Y/N cried out, her breath hitching as the serpents constricted around her chest and limbs.

Sebastian's eyes flicked between Ominis and Y/N, desperation etched across his features. "You don't have to do this. We can help you."

"Help?" Ominis laughed bitterly. "I've had enough of your help, Sebastian. You always think you know what's best. But not this time."

Y/N struggled to speak, her voice strained. "Ominis, please. This is not you. Remember all we've been through together."

"Quiet!" Ominis snapped, though his hand trembled slightly. "You don't understand. None of you do. This power... it was meant to be mine. With it, I can finally escape my family's clutches - finally show them that I am a powerful wizard who should be taken seriously! And I won't let anyone, especially you two, take it from me."

Sebastian took a cautious step forward, his wand still raised. "Ominis, think about what you're doing. This is your family's influence, not your true self."

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