Garreth - Moonflowers

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The ancient trees of the Forbidden Forest loomed over Y/n and Garreth Weasley as they tread carefully through the dense underbrush. Garreth's usual mischievous grin was replaced by a look of determination. They were on a mission to find the rare Moonflower for Professor Garlick's Herbology class.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Garreth asked, his voice echoing through the eerie silence.

"Positive," Y/n replied, holding up a hand-drawn map that Professor Garlick had provided. "The Moonflower only blooms under the full moon, so tonight is our best chance."

The forest grew darker as they ventured deeper, the moonlight barely piercing the thick canopy above. Suddenly, a low clicking noise reverberated through the trees, causing them both to freeze.

"Did you hear that?" Garreth whispered, pulling out his wand and standing ready.

Before Y/n could respond, a massive, shadowy figure lunged from the darkness. It was an Acromantula, its eight eyes glinting with malevolence. Garreth stumbled backward, tripping over a root and falling to the ground.

"Garreth!" Y/n shouted, stepping in front of him and raising their wand. "Confringo!"

A blinding beam of fire shot from Y/n's wand, striking the Acromantula and causing it to burn and recoil. The creature hissed, disoriented by the sudden fire and pain.

"Get up, Garreth! Run!" Y/n urged, not taking their eyes off the giant spider, continuing to hurtle spells at it.

Garreth scrambled to his feet, his face pale but his grip on his wand firm. "Stupefy!" he yelled, sending a jet of red light toward the Acromantula. The spell hit its mark, but the creature shrugged it off, advancing with renewed fury.

"Looks like we'll need something stronger," Y/n muttered. They took a deep breath and closed their eyes, reaching deep within themselves for the ancient magic that had laid dormant for a year. They felt the power surge through their veins, awakening like an old friend.

"Stand back," Y/n said, their voice steady and filled with newfound confidence.

Garreth's eyes widened as he watched Y/n. "What are you doing?"

Y/n didn't reply, focusing their energy and magic into a concentrated ball. They swung their hand, as a ball of energy penetrated the acromantula, causing it to explode from the inside out. The Acromantula let out a final, ear-piercing screech before collapsing, its body disintegrating into ash.

Garreth stared in awe, his mouth hanging open. "Y/n, that was incredible!"

Y/n turned to him, a playful smile dancing on their lips. "Impressed, are we?"

Garreth shook his head, a grin spreading across his face. "Impressed doesn't even begin to cover it. That You're full of surprises, Y/n."

"Glad I could keep you on your toes," Y/n teased, their heart still pounding from the rush of power.

Garreth stepped closer, his eyes locked onto Y/n's. "You know, saving my life and all...I think that earns you a reward."

"Oh?" Y/n raised an eyebrow, a spark of flirtation in their eyes. "And what kind of reward did you have in mind?"

Garreth leaned in, his voice dropping to a soft murmur. "How about I take you out for a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks? My treat."

Y/n's smile widened, their cheeks warming. "I'd like that."

After a few more minutes of searching, the two students found the delicate Moonflowers they were in search of. Working together, they carefully gathered the precious plant. Garreth looked at Y/n with a mix of admiration and something deeper. "You know, I always thought you were amazing. But tonight, you were extraordinary."

"Well, I couldn't let anything happen to my favorite troublemaker," Y/n replied, their eyes twinkling.

Together, they made their way back to Hogwarts, the bond between them stronger than ever after their harrowing adventure in the Forbidden Forest. And as they walked side by side, the promise of new beginnings hung in the air, as bright and hopeful as the full moon above.

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