Garreth - Castle Tour

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Garreth Weasley had spent the morning assisting his aunt, Professor Matilda Weasley, with various tasks around the school. It wasn't unusual for him to be roped into duties by family members—being a Weasley meant a certain amount of expected helpfulness. But today's task was different. Aunt Matilda had requested his help in giving a tour of the castle to a new fifth-year student, Y/N.

As Garreth made his way to the entrance hall, he couldn't help but overhear the whispers and rumors that filled the air like a thick fog. The buzz was all about Y/N's dramatic arrival at Hogwarts. According to the chatter, her carriage had been attacked by a dragon, and though she and Professor Fig had arrived safely, their Ministry escort had perished in the incident. Garreth couldn't imagine the terror of such an ordeal.

He spotted Y/N standing awkwardly near the great wooden doors, her gaze darting around as if she could hear every whisper. Garreth felt a pang of sympathy; he knew what it was like to be the center of unwanted attention.

"Hi, Y/N," he greeted, his voice cheerful and welcoming. "I'm Garreth Weasley. Professor Weasley asked me to show you around."

Y/N looked up, her expression softening slightly. "Hi, Garreth. Thanks. I could use a friendly face right now."

"Don't worry," he assured her, "Hogwarts can be overwhelming at first, but you'll get used to it. Let's start with the basics."

He led her through the entrance hall, pointing out the Great Hall, where students were bustling in and out, preparing for lunch. As they walked, Garreth kept the conversation light, focusing on interesting tidbits about the castle and its history.

"You know, Hogwarts is full of secrets," Garreth said, his eyes twinkling. "There are hidden passages, secret rooms, and enchanted objects everywhere. Some say the castle has a mind of its own."

Y/N managed a small smile. "I think I've already gotten a taste of that."

Garreth decided to avoid mentioning the rumors about the dragon attack unless Y/N brought it up herself. Instead, he led her to the grand staircase. As they climbed, he explained how the staircases liked to change positions, often leading students on unexpected detours.

"They say the trick is to be patient and not to rush," Garreth advised. "It's almost like the stairs have a sense of humor."

Y/N laughed softly. "I think I can handle that. It's the least terrifying thing I've heard about this place so far."

Garreth smiled, glad to see her relax. "How about we check out the library? It's one of my favorite places."

They entered the magnificent library, its shelves filled with countless books. Garreth could see the tension in Y/N's shoulders ease as she took in the quiet, serene atmosphere.

"This is amazing," she breathed, running her fingers along the spines of ancient tomes.

Garreth nodded. "Madam Scribner, the librarian, is a bit strict, but she knows everything about every book here. If you ever need help with research, she's the one to ask."

As they left the library, Y/N seemed more at ease. Garreth led her through the various corridors, pointing out classrooms, common rooms, and even the occasional ghost who floated by with a nod of recognition.

But as they passed a group of Hufflepuff students, Garreth noticed Y/N's expression darken. The whispers about the dragon attack had reached their ears, and they were discussing it in hushed tones, casting glances in Y/N's direction.

Garreth decided it was time to address the issue head-on. "Hey, Y/N, why don't we take a break? There's a spot I think you'll love."

He led her outside, to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Normally, students weren't allowed to venture too close, but Garreth knew a safe path that led to a hidden clearing.

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