Garreth - Detention & Sweets

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Y/N sighed deeply as she walked down the deserted corridor of Hogwarts, her footsteps echoing off the stone walls. It wasn't the first time she had landed herself in detention, and it probably wouldn't be the last. This time, it had been for a minor prank gone wrong—enchanted dungbombs that had exploded prematurely, covering Professor Black in a rather unfortunate mess. As she approached the door to the detention room, she could already hear faint laughter from inside. Garreth Weasley, she thought with a groan. Of course.

Pushing the heavy door open, Y/N stepped inside and was immediately greeted by Garreth's wide grin. He was perched on the edge of a desk, swinging his legs back and forth as if he didn't have a care in the world.

"Well, well, well," Garreth said, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Look who decided to join the fun."

"Fun isn't exactly the word I'd use," Y/N muttered, dropping her bag onto a nearby chair. She wasn't in the mood for Garreth's antics, but she knew better than to think she could avoid them.

"Aw, come on, Y/N," Garreth teased, hopping off the desk and sauntering over to her. "Detention doesn't have to be all bad. Especially not with me around."

Y/N rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. Despite her annoyance, Garreth's infectious energy was hard to resist. "What did you do this time?" she asked, genuinely curious.

Garreth leaned against her desk, crossing his arms. "Oh, nothing too serious. Just another potion experiment that went slightly awry. Who knew fireworks and shrinking solutions didn't mix well?"

Y/N couldn't help but laugh. "You're impossible, Garreth."

"And you love it," he shot back with a wink.

Before Y/N could respond, the door creaked open, and Professor Sharp swept into the room, his limp not hindering his commanding aura. He eyed both students with his trademark disdain.

"You will be organizing the potions cupboard tonight," Sharp announced, his voice cold. "And I expect it to be spotless. No nonsense, or you'll be here every night for a month. Understood?"

"Yes, Professor," Y/N and Garreth chorused, watching as Sharp turned and left, the door closing with a definitive thud.

Garreth turned to Y/N, his grin returning. "Looks like we're stuck together for the evening."

"Better get started, then," Y/N said, trying to sound serious but failing to hide her amusement.

They made their way to the potions cupboard, which was a chaotic mess of bottles, jars, and ingredients. Y/N grabbed a dusty rag and started wiping down shelves while Garreth began sorting through the various vials.

As they worked, Garreth's playful nature kept the atmosphere light. He would occasionally toss her a jar, making exaggerated faces of concentration as if he were performing some great feat. At one point, he pretended to mix a love potion, dramatically declaring that it would make anyone fall head over heels for him.

"Are you trying to get us in more trouble?" Y/N asked, laughing as she caught another jar he tossed her way.

"Trouble?" Garreth said, feigning innocence. "I would never."

Despite herself, Y/N found that the time passed quickly. Garreth's jokes and playful banter made the tedious task almost enjoyable. She realized that, for all his mischief, he had a way of making even the dullest situations bearable.

After what felt like hours, the cupboard was finally organized. Y/N wiped her hands on her pants, looking around at their handiwork. "I think we did it," she said, a sense of accomplishment in her voice as she placed her hands on her hips.

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