Ominis - Undercroft Uproar

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Hi lovelies! This was requested by @rynao4life 💜 thank you for requesting and always giving me new inspiration! I hope it is everything you were looking for!

Just a heads up for everyone - updates will not be as frequent as they once were as the chaos of summer continues to build. I'll still do my best to update at least once weekly, but I can't guarantee anything.

Love y'all and enjoy the chapter!


The Undercroft, usually a haven of peace and secrecy, echoed with the sound of raised voices. Sebastian stood awkwardly as he entered through the gated entrance, feeling very much like he intruded as Ominis and Y/N argued.

"I can't believe you did that, Y/N!" Ominis shouted, his face red with anger. His wand was pointed at nothing in particular, the red flashes used to aid his vision adding to the magical tension in the room.

Y/N, arms crossed and tapping her foot impatiently, shot back, "And what was I supposed to do, Ominis? Let you get stabbed or poisoned by a spider? I thought you'd prefer keeping not only your life, but your limbs and dignity as well!"

Sebastian cleared his throat, trying to cut through the tension. "Hey, what's going—"

"Not now!" both Y/N and Ominis snapped in unison, making him raise his hands in mock surrender.

Ominis turned back to Y/N, his frustration mounting. "You always think you have to be the hero! It's like you have some sort of saving-people addiction."

Y/N rolled her eyes dramatically. "Oh, please. Like you wouldn't have done the same if it were me in danger. Or are you saying you'd just let me get hurt?"

Sebastian shuffled his feet, feeling increasingly like he'd walked into a particularly explosive Potions class. He tried again, not liking the fact that the two people he cherished most were fighting. "Maybe if we all just—"

"I said not now, Sebastian!" Ominis and Y/N chorused again, causing Sebastian to step back and lean against a pillar, deciding it was safer to dispel his growing frustration from a distance as he attempted to come up with a solution to their bickering.

Y/N took a step closer to Ominis, her eyes blazing. "And you, Ominis, are a hypocrite. How many times have you put yourself at risk for us? Especially against your family!"

Ominis turned his head away, muttering, "That's different."

"Different? How exactly?" Y/N demanded, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "Because you're a Gaunt? Because you think you're invincible?"

Ominis's face was a mixture of frustration and fear . "You and I both know I'm not invincible. But you have to admit, Y/N, you're the one who is reckless!"

"Reckless?" Y/N scoffed, her tone sarcastic. "That's rich coming from someone who literally walked into a nest of Acromantulas because he 'sensed' something important was there."

Ominis groaned, rubbing his temples as if warding off a headache. "This isn't about me, it's about you thinking you have to save everyone all the time!"

"Well, maybe I wouldn't have to if you would stop getting into so much trouble! And besides it's not like I asked to be put in this situation! It's like I'm a full time babysitter between you, Sebastian, and the entire Wizarding world!" Y/N shot back, her voice rising again.

Sebastian, who had been watching the exchange like a spectator at a Quidditch match, suddenly felt his wave of frustration take over as he was pulled into the argument. He stepped forward, his patience snapping.

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