Ominis - Storm

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The thick clouds gathered ominously above the castle, casting long shadows over the ancient stone walls of Hogwarts. The air was thick with tension, both from the impending storm and the atmosphere inside the castle. Y/N had spent the past few days in a haze of frustration and confusion, feelings stirred by the constant friction between herself and Ominis Gaunt.

Y/N had always prided herself on being composed, but something about Ominis set her on edge. It was as if their very souls were magnets, constantly repelling and attracting in equal measure. She had tried to avoid him, to steer clear of his sharp tongue and penetrating gaze, but their paths inevitably crossed.

In Potions class, their arguments had become legendary. Garreth, Sebastian, and Anne often found themselves caught in the middle, their attempts to mediate usually ending in exasperation. Today was no different.

"Your technique is flawed, Y/N," Ominis said, his tone dripping with condescension. "If you stir the potion counterclockwise at this stage, you'll ruin it."

Y/N's grip tightened on her ladle, her patience wearing thin. "I know what I'm doing, Ominis. Maybe if you spent less time criticizing and more time focusing on your own work, you'd actually make a decent potion for once."

Ominis's eyes flashed, his usual calm demeanor slipping. "Is that so? Well, at least I don't rely on brute force to get things done. There's a finesse to potion-making that you clearly lack."

"Finesse?" Y/N scoffed, her frustration boiling over. "I'm not the one who blew up a cauldron last week because I 'sensed' the wrong ingredient."

Their classmates exchanged worried glances, the tension between Y/N and Ominis palpable. Garreth cleared his throat, trying to diffuse the situation. "Alright, let's just focus on the task at hand, okay? We need to finish this potion by the end of the class."

Y/N shot Ominis one last glare before turning back to her cauldron, her mind racing with anger and confusion. Why did he always get under her skin? Why couldn't she just ignore him like she did with everyone else who annoyed her?

The rest of the class passed in a tense silence, punctuated only by the occasional clink of glass or the soft bubbling of potions. When it finally ended, Y/N packed up her things quickly, eager to escape the oppressive atmosphere.

As she stepped out into the corridor, the first raindrops began to fall, pattering softly against the windows. She glanced up at the darkening sky, a sense of foreboding settling over her.

Later that evening, Y/N sat in the Slytherin common room, staring into the crackling fire. The storm outside had intensified, lightning flashing and thunder rumbling ominously, barely heard through the deep water of the lake. She felt restless, trapped within the walls of the castle and the confines of her own mind.

Unable to sit still any longer, she grabbed her cloak and slipped out of the common room. She needed to clear her head, to find some peace amidst the chaos. As she made her way through the dimly lit corridors, she tried to push thoughts of Ominis from her mind, not noticing his shadow following her.

She reached the entrance hall, the large wooden doors creaking as she pushed them open. The wind howled, rain lashing against her face as she stepped outside. The storm was fierce, but it mirrored the turmoil inside her, and she welcomed it as she stepped into the rain.

She hadn't gone far when she heard her name called behind her. Turning, she saw Ominis standing in the doorway, his wand casting a faint glow in the darkness. His expression was a mix of concern and frustration.

"What do you think are you doing?" he called out, his voice barely audible over the storm.

"None of your business, Ominis!" she shouted back, her anger flaring anew. "Just leave me alone."

But Ominis didn't move. Instead, he stepped forward, immediately drenching his clothes as his frosty eyes fixed on her, wand pulsing with their red flares. "You can't just walk out into a storm like this, it's dangerous."

"I don't care," Y/N retorted, her voice trembling with a mix of fury and something she couldn't quite name. "I can't stay in there any longer, so.. I'm leaving," Y/N replied curtly, turning and walking away.

"In the middle of a storm?" Ominis sped up, finally catching up to her and grabbing her arm. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Let go of me, Ominis," Y/N snapped, pulling her arm free. "This has nothing to do with you."

"Like hell it doesn't," Ominis retorted, his pale eyes narrowing. "You're being reckless and stupid. You can't just walk out into this weather."

"I don't need your approval, or your concern," Y/N shot back, glaring at him. "You've made it clear how little you think of me."

"That doesn't mean I want you to get hurt," Ominis argued, frustration evident in his voice. "You think I enjoy this? You think I want to be standing here, arguing with you?"

"Then don't!" Y/N shouted, her emotions boiling over. "Just leave me alone, Ominis. You don't care about me, so why should it matter what I do?"

Ominis took a step closer, bringing the two Slytherin students mere centimeters apart, their chests barely touching as his expression hardening. "Because I can't stand the thought of something happening to you, alright? Is that what you want to hear?"

Y/N blinked, taken aback by the intensity of his words. "Why? Why do you care so much?"

"Because I'm in love with you, you idiot!" Ominis burst out, his voice raw with emotion. "I know we've never gotten along, but somewhere along the line, I realized I care about you more than anyone else. And it terrifies me."

The storm outside seemed to pause for a moment, the silence between them thick and heavy. Y/N stared at Ominis, her heart pounding in her chest.

"You... you love me?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

Ominis took a deep breath, nodding. "Yes, I do. And it kills me to see you so determined to run away, to put yourself in danger."

Y/N felt tears welling up in her eyes, the weight of his confession sinking in. "I didn't know. I thought you hated me."

"I thought I did too," Ominis admitted, his tone softer now. "But I was just scared. Scared of how much I actually cared."

Y/N took a shaky step forward, reaching out to touch his hand. "I'm sorry, Ominis. I didn't realize..."

Ominis squeezed her hand gently, his expression pained yet hopeful. "Please, don't go. Stay here, with me. We can figure this out together."

For a moment, Y/N hesitated, the storm outside seeming less daunting compared to the turmoil within her. But as she looked into Ominis's eyes, she saw the sincerity, the vulnerability he was offering.

Slowly, she nodded, stepping closer to him. "Alright. I'll stay."

Relief washed over Ominis's face, and he pulled her into a tight embrace. The storm continued to rage outside, but within the walls of Hogwarts, a different kind of calm settled over them. As they held each other, the past animosity melted away, leaving only the raw, honest connection they had finally acknowledged.

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