Ominis - An Unwanted Union Pt. 2

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The night was dark and still, the kind of night where the shadows seemed to whisper secrets. The Manor was quiet, its ancient stones resting under the weight of centuries. 

Ominis was in his study, poring over old manuscripts by the flickering light of a single candle while Y/N was in her same chair in the library, trying to find solace in the pages of a book. She tried to focus on the words that were written across the pages, but her mind had wandered to the interaction she had with her mysterious husband mere hours ago. 

Y/N could feel her eyelids growing heavy as she tried to make sense of the thoughts running through her mind. She nestled deeper into the armchair, the book she had been reading earlier gently placed on the table next to her. She folded her arms across her chest as she rested her eyes, still meditating over their interesting relationship. Soon enough though, sleep overtook her.

The manor was silent, save for the occasional creak of the old wooden floors and the rustling of leaves against the windows. Ominis was still in his study, reading his papers as he listened to the old house creak and groan. 

He thought to his interaction with his new bride in the library earlier, pleased with the small amount of progress they had made in their interaction. After he left, leaving Y/N alone in the library to continue her reading, he reported to his study a few doors down. 

Unbeknownst to him though, a shadow moved through the darkness, slipping through the manor's defenses and going from room to room, searching for the newly-weds.

The intruder, a figure clad in black, crept silently through the hallways. His footsteps barely a whisper on the ancient floors. He paused outside the library door, listening. As he opened the door, he heard the soft sound of Y/N's breathing reach his ears, confirming that she was alone.

With a swift, practiced motion, he stepped into the room and pushed the door close as he stepped inside. His eyes scanned the room, settling on the sleeping figure in the armchair. A sinister smile curled his lips as he approached her, his movements predatory and silent.

Y/N stirred, a sense of unease penetrating her sleep. Before she could fully wake, a rough hand clamped over her mouth, and she was yanked upright. Her eyes flew open, meeting the cold, calculating gaze of the intruder.

"Don't scream," he hissed, his grip tightening. "Or you'll regret it."

Fear shot through her like a lightning bolt, but Y/N's mind was sharp. Adrenaline surged through her veins, and she lashed out instinctively. Her knee connected with his groin, eliciting a grunt of pain. She twisted in his grip, her hand driving into his nose with a strong punch.

The intruder stumbled back, his hold on her loosening as he held his now bleeding nose. Y/N seized the opportunity, grabbing the nearest heavy book and swinging it at his head. The thud echoed through the library as the book connected with his skull. 

"Help!" she screamed, her voice piercing the silence as she ran towards the door, prying it open as she attempted to leave. "Ominis, someone! There's an intruder!"

The intruder snarled, recovering quickly. He lunged at her, his hand wrapping around her waist as he pulled her back into the room. He grabbed her wrist with bruising force. "You'll pay for that," he spat, wrenching her arm behind her back.

Y/N struggled, her free hand attempting to claw at his face. The noise of their scuffle filled the library, a cacophony of grunts and shouts. Down the hall, Ominis heard the commotion the moment it started. His heart raced as he grabbed his wand and sprinted towards the library, the sound of Y/N's cries urging him on.

He burst into the room just as the intruder managed to pin Y/N against the bookshelf. The sound of her struggling, the fearful noises and grunts releasing from her voice created an image of her frightened face in his mind. It ignited a fierce protectiveness within him.

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