Sebastian & Ominis - The Room

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Hello darlings! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated - life has gotten crazy with starting to move, work, getting some sewing projects done, all the while taking care of my kiddo and maintaining a household! 🫠

I'm back though and am hoping to publish a few ideas I've been brewing! Thank you all for your support - it really helps my motivation to create more content for y'all. 💜

Anyways, this chapter is short but I hope it's enjoyable! Requested by @rynao4life 💕


The final bell of the day echoed through the stone corridors of Hogwarts, signaling the end of another long day of classes. Y/N, Sebastian, and Ominis gathered their belongings and began their trek back to the common room. The three friends made their way through the castle, the ancient walls bearing witness to their laughter and conversation.

As they stepped outside into the courtyard, a sharp, biting wind greeted them, causing Sebastian to shiver involuntarily. He pulled his cloak tighter around himself, muttering in annoyance.

"Merlin's beard, it's freezing! Can't we have just one warm day?" he complained, rubbing his hands together for warmth.

Ominis chuckled softly, his breath visible in the cold air. "You complain about the weather every winter, Sebastian. You should be used to it, especially since you've lived in the highlands your whole life."

"Or at least remember to wear your scarf and gloves," Y/N giggled as Sebastian playfully bumped into her, causing her to bump into Ominis. Their blond friend's irritation manifested itself onto his face as he scowled at the fact the his course was thrown off balance.

Y/N smiled at the new banter between Sebastian and Ominis. She always found their comments towards each other not only endearing, but hysterical - especially when she wasn't involved.

She allowed her mind to slip away to the dread that Sebastian was feeling from the winter weather; attempting to create a solution to his discomfort. As they continued walking, an idea began to take shape in her mind. She glanced at Sebastian, who was still grumbling about the cold, and then at Ominis, whose expression was now a mix of amusement and sympathy.

"Actually, I think I know just the place where we can warm up," Y/N said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "What do you have in mind, Y/N?"

"Follow me," she replied with a grin, taking the lead.

Curiosity piqued, Sebastian and Ominis followed Y/N as she led them through a series of corridors and up many flights of stairs. They eventually arrived at a seemingly ordinary stretch of wall on the seventh floor.

"This is what you had in mind?" Sebastian asked as he placed one hand on his propped hip. "A random corridor that I walk through everyday?"

Y/N ignored him as she paced back and forth three times, thinking intently about the room she and Deek had tirelessly worked to perfect. Almost instantly, the swirling door materialized in the wall before them.

"Bloody hell," Sebastian said with a tone that was amazed. Y/N took that as an apology and spoke with a mysterious, yet enticing tone as she opened the door.

"Boys, welcome to the Room of Requirement."

As the heavy door swung open, it revealed a spacious room filled with the warm glow of sunlight filtering through the large, enchanted windows. The room had stairs on the sides, leading to four distinct vivariums, each housing a different magical environment. She led them to the largest vivarium, her excitement palpable.

"You two are going to love this," Y/N said eagerly.

They stepped inside the vivarium, entering a lush, open woodland. The air was pleasantly warm, a stark contrast to the cold the rest of the castle was experiencing outside.

Vibrant trees and flowering plants surrounded them, and the sound of a gentle stream could be heard nearby. Various magical creatures roamed freely, each more enchanting than the last. Hippogriffs grazed in a meadow, nifflers played near the stream, and a group of bowtruckles perched on a tree branch, observing the newcomers curiously.

Sebastian's eyes widened in amazement. "Y/N, this is incredible! Where did all these creatures come from?"

Y/N beamed with pride. "I've been rescuing them from poachers. The Room of Requirement helps me create the perfect environment for them to thrive."

Ominis, equally awestruck, reached out to touch a nearby flower. "It's like a sanctuary. They feel so happy here."

"They are," Y/N said, her voice filled with warmth. "And now, we get to enjoy this little paradise too."

Sebastian and Ominis exchanged looks of sheer delight. They wandered through the woodland, marveling at the creatures and the beauty of their surroundings. The warmth of the vivarium was a welcome relief from the winter chill, and the magical atmosphere filled them with a sense of wonder and peace.

Sebastian knelt down to pet a curious niffler that had approached him, a rare smile of genuine happiness on his face. "I could stay here forever."

Ominis, his hand resting gently on the trunk of a tree, nodded in agreement. "This is truly magical, Y/N. Thank you for sharing it with us."

Y/N smiled, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. "You're welcome. I thought we could all use a break from the cold."

For a while, they simply enjoyed the warmth and companionship, their conversations drifting from their classes to the magical creatures around them. The sunlight filtered through the enchanted room casting a golden glow over the woodland, and for the first time that day, they all felt truly at ease.

As the evening wore on, they reluctantly decided it was time to head back to their common room. They left the vivarium with lighter hearts and warmer spirits, grateful for the brief respite from the harsh winter outside. And as they walked back through the castle, Sebastian's earlier complaints about the cold seemed like a distant memory, replaced by the warmth of friendship and the magic of Hogwarts.

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