Ominis - Healing

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The sixth year at Hogwarts had begun under a cloud of despair for Y/N and Ominis. Sebastian's absence was a gaping wound, a constant reminder of the price paid for his actions that had led to his imprisonment in Azkaban. The once inseparable trio was now broken, the void left by Sebastian's departure a heavy burden on their hearts.

Y/N roamed the castle corridors with a sense of restlessness, her steps echoing the emptiness she felt. Ominis, though outwardly composed, was clearly struggling too. They leaned on each other for support, but the gaping hole left by Sebastian's absence was ever-present.

One stormy night, as the rain lashed against the windows and the castle seemed to hum with sorrow, Y/N made a decision. She couldn't just sit idle any longer; she had to act, to feel something other than the crushing weight of her grief. Desperation drove her as she slipped out of the Slytherin common room, her heart pounding with both fear and determination.

She was almost at the castle's main entrance when a voice, sharp and filled with tension, stopped her in her tracks.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Y/N whirled around to see Ominis standing there, his pale blue eyes gleaming with an intensity she hadn't seen before. His wand was raised, the tip glowing ominously. He advanced towards her, every step deliberate and filled with purpose. 

He had grown over the summer; his once boyish appearance now replaced with a young man. His misty eyes still were hauntingly beautiful, and it was one of the many things that she cherished about him. No matter how beautiful they were though, they held a deep sadness - a void that filled his soul the moment the authorities took Sebastian away from them. 

"Ominis, I..." she stammered, but he interrupted her.

"Don't," he said, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear as he continued to walk towards her. "I know that you're looking for an escape, looking for danger, but I won't let you do it."

Before she could react, Ominis had her pinned against the cold stone wall, his wand pressed against her neck with a firm but controlled pressure. The look in his eyes was a tumult of emotions—anger, fear, desperation.

"I've already lost Sebastian," he hissed, his voice cracking with emotion. "I can't lose you to."

Y/N struggled against his grip, her frustration and sorrow boiling over. "Ominis, let me go!" she pleaded, trying to push him away. "I have to do something! I can't just sit here while everything falls apart! The guilt is going to eat me alive if I-"

"And you think it's any easier for me?" he shot back, his grip tightening as he held her against the wall. "You think I'm not torn apart by this? That I'm ok with the idea that you are going to throw yourself head-first into danger because of what we did? Running off on some reckless mission won't ease the pain or bring Sebastian back. It'll only get you hurt or worse."

Tears streamed down Y/N's face as she fought against him, her desperation mounting. "I can't just do nothing!" she cried. "I feel like I'm suffocating in here. I need to feel like I'm making a difference in some way! Even if it's something small like rescuing a beast from poachers!"

Ominis's expression softened for a brief moment before hardening again. "And you think I don't understand that?" he said, his voice breaking. "You're not the only one who has lost a dear friend. And no matter how much I want to do the same, I can't let you go out there alone. I can't stand the thought of losing you too."

His words hit her like a physical blow, the raw vulnerability in his voice cutting through her anger and frustration. She stopped struggling, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she looked into his eyes. The pain she saw there mirrored her own, a deep and aching sorrow that was almost unbearable.

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