Sebastian & Ominis - Confessions

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This chapter was requested by @rynao4life

Prompt: "could you make one that is like seb x mc x ominis like their future in a cabin or not like them confessing to each other then mc chooses both of them in a panic since she loves both of them and they were fighting"

Note: This chapter will be MC rather than Y/N like the previous chapters due to the request. Feel free to replace the name with your character's name, or even your name if you wish :)

@rynao4life Thanks for commenting and requesting dear angel! I hope I did the chapter justice and that you enjoy it! Xo 💜


A cozy countryside cabin stood against the evening sky and looming trees, as birds chirped and a nearby creek flowed with clear water. The atmosphere of the hamlet was a testament to the peaceful lives its inhabitants were trying to build.

MC, Sebastian, and Ominis had settled into a routine that balanced their burgeoning careers with the quietude of their rural home. MC worked at the Ministry of Magic, specializing in magical creature protection, while Sebastian delved into the mysterious and ancient magic archives, and Ominis took on a prestigious role as a legal advisor for magical law.

On this particular evening, MC felt a sense of accomplishment after a long day at work. She had just successfully negotiated the protection of a rare Hippogriff species and was eager to share the news with her darling housemates. As she approached their home, however, the muffled sounds of raised voices broke the tranquility.

Pushing open the door, she found Sebastian and Ominis standing in the living room, faces flushed with anger as they stood face to face. Their argument seemed to peak as she entered, their voices rising in intensity.

"Why can't you see it, Sebastian?" Ominis was saying, his voice trembling with emotion. "MC deserves better than this constant uncertainty. She deserves to be with someone who truly understands her."

Sebastian's eyes flashed with fury. "And you think that someone is you, Ominis? Just because you're blind and have a better understanding of emotions doesn't mean you understand her any better than I do!"

MC felt her heart pound in her chest as she stepped closer. "What's going on here?" she demanded, successfully hiding the quiver she felt in her voice.

Both men turned to look at her, their expressions softening momentarily before the argument resumed with renewed vigor.

"We're arguing about you, MC," Sebastian said, his voice now laced with desperation. "About who deserves to be with you."

"Deserves?" MC echoed, feeling the room spin. "What on earth are you talking about?"

Ominis spoke, "It has come to our attention that we both have romantic feelings for you MC."


That's what this was about.

"This isn't about deserving! It's not a competition!" She tried to reason, not ready for the reality that this argument was very quickly bringing to the surface.

But her words seemed lost as the argument not only returned, but escalated. Ominis's face grew darker, his voice taking on a cold edge. "You're so blinded by your feelings, Sebastian. Can't you see that she needs stability and not the chaos you bring?"

"Well you're so caught up in your own self-righteousness," Sebastian shot back, "that you can't see she needs passion and adventure!"

The intensity of their confrontation made the room feel smaller, more suffocating. MC could see that neither was willing to back down, their emotions running too high.

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