Ominis - An Unwanted Union

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The grand hall of Gaunt Manor was dimly lit, shadows clinging to every corner and recess. It was an ancient place, its stone walls bearing witness to centuries of history and tradition, most of it dark and unspoken. The air was thick with the smell of old parchment, dust, and a hint of something more sinister. The house had seen many strange events, but this was the strangest by far: a wedding.

In a room away from the crowd Ominis Gaunt stood rigid near the head of the long couch, his hands clasped tightly behind his back. His pale blue eyes, though blind, seemed to pierce the very souls of those who dared to look at him. He was dressed in the finest black robes, tailored to perfection, yet they did little to ease the discomfort he felt. The young wizard's face was a mask of indifference, but inside, anger and resentment brewed. This marriage was not his choice; it was a decree, a binding contract between two ancient families.

Opposite the room stood Y/N, her posture demure and eyes downcast. Her hands were clasped together in front of her, trembling slightly. The pressure to uphold family honor and legacy weighed heavily on her, but she felt more like a pawn than ever before. The ceremony had been brief, a mere formality. Now, in the silence that followed, the tension between them was palpable.

"Are you satisfied with this arrangement?" Ominis's voice broke the silence, cold and edged with bitterness.

Y/N flinched at the sharpness of his tone. "I am here to fulfill my duty," she replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Duty." Ominis let the word hang in the air, his expression tightening. "You speak as if it is a simple matter."

"Simple or not, it is what it is," she said, her voice wavering slightly, but remaining strong. "I apologize if that seems... dismissive, but it is the truth."

An pregnant pause hung in the air, tense enough to be cut with a knife. 

"Do you fear me?" Ominis asked, his head tilting slightly as if to gauge her reaction.

Y/N swallowed hard, her eyes flicking up to meet his for a brief moment before dropping again. "I do not know what to expect," she admitted. "I barely know you." 

He took a step closer, the echo of his movement loud in the still room. "Most do. They find my family's reputation... intimidating."

"Your family's reputation is not yours, Ominis," she said sharply, then immediately bit her lip, realizing she had spoken out of turn. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to presume."

Her words surprised him, a spark of curiosity mingled with irritation. No one had ever spoken to him with respect when not knowing him - apart from Sebastian and Anne. Most people either feared him or pitied him. But this woman, his new wife, seemed to see through the layers of expectation and prejudice that surrounded him, even as she kept her head bowed.

"You speak both eloquently and boldly for someone in your position," he said, a note of admiration creeping into his tone despite himself.

"I... I didn't mean to," she stammered. "I only meant... I only want to do what is expected of me."

Ominis felt a grudging respect for her, despite her evident unease. He had expected a meek, compliant bride, someone who would blend into the background and not disturb his carefully controlled existence. Yes, she was quite, but Ominis detected that meek or compliant was the last thing she was. There was a hint of something more in Y/N, something that would peek out just enough for him to notice.. Something that intrigued him.

"Perhaps this union will be more interesting than I anticipated," he said finally, his voice softer but no less intense.

Y/N allowed herself a small, tight-lipped smile, as she briefly glanced at him. "Interesting, indeed."

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