Sebastian - Letters from Anne

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Sebastian's letters will be in bold while Anne's letters will be in italics :)


Dear Anne,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. Hogwarts is as bustling as ever, but there's something particularly interesting this year that I simply must share with you. We have a new fifth-year student, and her name is Y/N.

From the moment Y/N arrived, it was clear that she's no ordinary student. She was sorted directly into our year, which is quite unusual, as you know. There's a lot of curiosity and speculation among the students about her background and the reasons for her late start, but she handles it all with remarkable grace.

What's even more fascinating is her aptitude for magic. Despite joining us later than most, she has quickly caught up and even excelled in some areas. I've seen her cast spells with an ease that's quite impressive, and she has a natural talent for both Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Weasley even mentioned that she might have a unique perspective on magic, given her unconventional entry into our world.

Recently, I had the chance to escort Y/N to Hogsmeade, and it turned into quite an adventure. We were attacked by a troll right in the middle of the village! It was chaos, but Y/N remained incredibly calm and fought bravely. Together, we managed to subdue the troll before it could cause too much damage. The villagers were quite impressed, and I must admit, I was too.

But that wasn't the end of our excitement. As we were catching our breath, we ran into Rookwood and Harlow. They were up to no good, as usual, and seemed to be after something – or someone. It quickly became clear that they had their sights set on Y/N. We had a tense confrontation, but thankfully, they didn't manage to harm us.

And if that wasn't enough, we almost ran into Ranrok himself. I've never felt such a chilling presence before. We were fortunate to escape unscathed, but the whole encounter left us both shaken and more aware of the dangers lurking around us.

Despite all this, Y/N handled everything with remarkable composure. She has a sharp mind and a kind heart, and she doesn't shy away from challenges. There's something about her that makes you want to be better, to push yourself further.

I know you would like her, Anne. She has a way of making you feel at ease, even amidst the chaos that often surrounds us here. She reminds me a bit of you, actually – strong, resilient, and with a spark that's hard to ignore.

I look forward to seeing how Y/N's presence will shape this year. It already feels like she's bringing a new energy to Hogwarts, and I, for one, am eager to see what she will accomplish.

Take care, Anne. I miss you terribly and hope we can see each other soon. Write back when you can; your letters always brighten my days.

Yours affectionately,


Dear Sebastian, 

Thank you so much for your letter! It was wonderful to hear from you and to get all the news about Hogwarts. I must say, your stories never fail to make me miss being there. Hogwarts sounds as lively and full of surprises as ever, and I'm glad to hear you're in the midst of it all.

This new student, Y/N, sounds quite extraordinary. It's not every day someone joins as a fifth year and catches up so quickly. She must be incredibly talented and determined. I can see why she has made such an impression on you. It's also nice to hear that she reminds you of me – that's a high compliment indeed!

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