Garreth - Healer's Hand

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Garreth Weasley paced nervously outside the Healers' wing at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. He'd never been particularly good at handling serious situations, and today was no exception. His youngest brother had been injured in a terrible Quidditch accident, and despite the best efforts of Madame Blainey, they had insisted he be taken to St. Mungo's for further treatment. Now, Garreth found leaving work early so that he could call upon an old friend for help.

He took a deep breath and approached the reception desk, where a kindly-looking witch sat, sorting through parchment.

"Excuse me," Garreth began, trying to keep his voice steady. "I'm looking for Healer Y/N. Could you let them know that Garreth Weasley is here to see them?"

The witch nodded and tapped her wand on a small silver bell. A few moments later, a young woman in Healer's robes appeared, her Y/C eyes widening in surprise when she saw Garreth.

"Garreth?" Y/N exclaimed, hurrying over. "What's happened?"

Garreth quickly explained the situation, and Y/N's face grew serious. "Let's go see your brother," she said, leading Garreth down a long corridor to a private room.

Inside, Garreth's parents were hovering anxiously over his brother's bed. The young boy looked pale, a bandage wrapped around his head, another on his arm, and his foot wrapped in a cast. Garreth's heart clenched at the sight.

"Mr. and Mrs. Weasley," Y/N greeted them with a professional but warm smile. "I'm Healer Y/N, an old friend of Garreth's. I'll be taking over your son's care."

Garreth watched as Y/N examined his brother with practiced ease, her wand emitting soft glows as she performed diagnostic spells. After a thorough examination, Y/N turned to the Weasley family.

"He's going to be okay," she assured them. "His concussion may be severe, but the healing for that is right where we want it to be at this point in time. His arm and ankle will heal nicely with the proper potions and a bit of magical therapy. I'll stay with him through the night to ensure there are no complications."

Garreth felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Thank you, Y/N," he said sincerely.

Y/N smiled at him, her eyes sparkling with the warmth of their shared memories. "Of course, Garreth. We take care of our friends, don't we?"

As the hours passed, Y/N remained vigilant by Garreth's brother's side, her expertise and calming presence reassuring the entire Weasley family. Garreth couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude and admiration for his old friend as he sat with his parents and brother as he woke up.

Later that evening, after his brother had been settled comfortably for the night and his parents had been persuaded to go home and get some rest, Garreth found himself sitting with Y/N in the hospital's small staff lounge.

"You've really grown into your role here," Garreth said, handing her a cup of tea. "I'm proud of you, Y/N."

Y/N smiled, a bit of a blush coloring her cheeks. "Thanks, Garreth. It means a lot coming from you. I've always admired your passion and creativity. It's nice to know I can be of help when you need it."

Garreth chuckled softly. "Seems like we've both found our paths, haven't we?"

Y/N nodded, a thoughtful look in her eyes. "Yes, we have. But it's always good to remember where we came from and the friends who helped us get here."

As they sat there, reminiscing about their shared past and the adventures they'd had, Garreth felt a renewed sense of connection to his old friend. He knew that no matter where life took them, they would always be there for each other when it mattered most.

And in that moment, surrounded by the comforting hum of St. Mungo's, Garreth Weasley realized that some friendships truly were magic.


The moon had risen high in the sky by the time Garreth Weasley and Y/N left the staff lounge. Garreth's brother was still asleep, his condition stable and improving. The tension that had gripped Garreth's heart since the accident was finally easing.

"Thanks again, Y/N," Garreth said as they walked down the hallway towards his brother's room. "I don't know what we would've done without you."

Y/N gave him a warm smile. "It was no trouble, Garreth. I'm just glad I could help."

They reached the door, and Garreth peeked inside, seeing his brother still resting peacefully. He gently closed the door and turned back to Y/N.

"You've got a real talent for this, you know," Garreth said, a note of admiration in his voice. "I always knew you'd be great at whatever you chose to do, but seeing you in action was... well, it was something else."

Y/N blushed, looking a bit embarrassed but pleased. "Thank you, Garreth. That means a lot."

There was a brief, comfortable silence as they stood there, memories of their shared past swirling around them. Garreth found himself reflecting on how much they'd both grown and changed since their school days, and yet how some things remained the same.

"So," Garreth began, scratching the back of his neck, "do you have any plans for the rest of the day?"

Y/N laughed lightly. "After a day like this? I was planning on getting some rest, maybe grabbing a bite to eat. Why?"

Garreth took a deep breath, summoning his courage. "Well, I was thinking... maybe we could catch up properly sometime. Over dinner, perhaps? It's been ages since we really had a chance to talk."

Y/N's eyes sparkled with surprise and delight. "Are you asking me out, Garreth Weasley?"

Garreth's ears turned a shade of pink that rivaled his hair. "I suppose I am. What do you say?"

Y/N smiled, a warm, genuine smile that made Garreth's heart skip a beat. "I'd love to, Garreth. Dinner sounds perfect."

Garreth grinned, feeling a rush of excitement and relief. "Great! How about this weekend?"

"It's a date," Y/N replied, her smile widening. "I'll look forward to it."

As they made their way rooms, Garreth couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism and happiness. Despite the chaos and worry of the past day, something good had come out of it. He had reconnected with an old friend, and perhaps, just perhaps, this was the start of something new and wonderful.

And as the sun cast its warm light through the hospital windows, Garreth Weasley knew that whatever happened next, he was ready for it.

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