Sebastian - All is Well

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Sebastian and Ominis stood by the edge of the courtyard, the warm afternoon sun casting dappled shadows across the stone pathway. The Hogwarts grounds were alive with the sounds of students laughing and enjoying their break from classes. But Sebastian's focus was solely on the sight before him: Y/N and Anne, both laughing and chatting animatedly under a large oak tree.

Anne, now fully recovered, looked radiant, her cheeks flushed with health and her eyes sparkling with joy. Y/N was animatedly telling a story, their hands gesticulating wildly, which made Anne giggle uncontrollably. The sight filled Sebastian with a deep sense of relief and happiness.

"They look happy," Ominis commented softly, breaking the comfortable silence between him and Sebastian. His milky eyes were directed towards the general direction of the laughter, his magical senses keenly aware of his surroundings.

Sebastian nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, they do. It's good to see Anne like this again."

Ominis tilted his head slightly, his expression thoughtful. "And it's good to see you like this again too, Sebastian."

"What do you mean?" Sebastian asked, though he had a feeling he knew where this conversation was heading.

"You've been different lately. Happier, more relaxed. And I think it has something to do with a certain someone," Ominis said, a knowing smirk on his face.

Sebastian felt a flush creeping up his neck. "I don't know what you're talking about," he mumbled, looking anywhere but at Ominis.

Ominis chuckled softly. "Come on, Sebastian. You can't fool me. It's obvious to anyone with eyes—or magical senses, in my case. You like Y/N, don't you? As more than a friend."

Sebastian sighed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Is it that obvious?"

"Yes," Ominis replied simply, his tone gentle. "You've been head over heels for her for a while now. And I think she likes you too."

Sebastian glanced back at Y/N, who was now pulling a leaf out of Anne's hair. His heart swelled with affection at the sight. "You really think so?"

"I do," Ominis said confidently. "You just need to tell her how you feel. She make you happy, Sebastian. And you deserve to be happy."

Sebastian took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement. "Maybe you're right."

"I know I am," Ominis said with a grin. "Now go on, go talk to her. And send Anne my way, we've got to head out on our date soon."

With a final nod from Ominis, Sebastian mustered up his courage and began walking towards Y/N and Anne. As he approached, Anne noticed him first and gave him a warm smile. Y/N turned to see him too, their eyes lighting up with genuine happiness.

"Sebastian!" Y/N greeted him, their smile making his heart race.

"Hey, Y/N," Sebastian replied, his voice a little shakier than he'd intended. "Anne, Ominis wishes to see you."

"Alright then," Anne replied as she stood up, turning to address Y/N over her shoulder. "It was wonderful catching up. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye Anne!" Y/N simply replied before standing up as well.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Sebastian asked her, his palms growing sweaty.

"Of course," Y/N said, her curiosity piqued.

Sebastian led Y/N a few steps away, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "There's something I need to tell you."

Y/N looked at him expectantly, their eyes filled with warmth and anticipation. "What is it, Sebastian?"

Sebastian took another deep breath, finally finding the courage to say what he'd been feeling for so long. "I like you, Y/N. A lot. You've been such an amazing friend to me and to Anne, and words cannot even begin to describe my gratitude for you helping Anne. Deep down, I didn't think it was possible to cure her, yet you manage to do so. But, that's not the point.."

He took a shuddering breath before continuing," I've realized that I care about you, more than just as a friend."

Y/N's eyes widened slightly, and for a moment, Sebastian's heart was in his throat. But then Y/N's face broke into a radiant smile, and they took his hand gently.

"I like you too, Sebastian," Y/N said softly. "I've felt this way for a while now, but I wasn't sure if you felt the same."

Relief and joy flooded through Sebastian, and he couldn't help but grin. "Well, I guess we were both a bit clueless then."

Y/N laughed, the sound filling Sebastian's heart with warmth. "I guess so. But I'm glad we figured it out now."

As they stood there, hand in hand, Sebastian glanced back at Ominis and Anne, who were both still standing by the courtyard edge, a satisfied smile on their faces as Anne narrated everything to him.

Sebastian knew that this was the start of something wonderful, and he silently thanked Ominis for giving him the push he needed.

With Y/N by his side and Anne healthy and happy once more, Sebastian felt like everything was finally falling into place.

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