Sebastian - The Catacombs

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This chapter follows the relic quest, but the outcome is completely different.

Warnings: Solomon out of character, hostage trope, etc.


The catacombs of Feldcroft were cold and damp, the air heavy with the scent of earth and decay. Y/N's breath came in quick gasps as she navigated the narrow tunnels, her wand lighting the way. Ominis' urgent message had been clear: Sebastian was planning something dangerous tonight—something that could alter the course of their lives forever. She had to reach him before it was too late.

As she rounded a corner, the narrow passage opened into a larger chamber, its walls lined with ancient bones and crumbling stone. In the center of the room stood Sebastian, surrounded by arcane symbols and ancient tomes. His face was etched with desperation, his eyes dark and wild. In his hands, he clutched the relic, its surface pulsating with a malevolent energy.

"Sebastian, stop!" Y/N shouted, her voice echoing off the stone walls. "This isn't the way to help Anne!"

Sebastian looked up, his expression torn between relief and frustration. "Y/N, you don't understand. This is the only way. This relic... it can reverse Anne's curse. I have to do this."

Before Y/N could respond, another figure emerged from the shadows, his presence filling the chamber with a grim determination. It was Solomon Sallow, Sebastian's uncle, his face set in a hard line.

"Sebastian, put that relic down," Solomon commanded, his voice stern and unyielding. "You know what dark magic can do. You can't save Anne by damning yourself."

Sebastian's grip on the relic tightened, his eyes flickering with defiance. "I've tried everything else, Uncle! You won't let me help Anne, but I can't lose her! This is the only thing that can save her."

Solomon's gaze shifted to Y/N, and a calculating look crossed his face. "If you won't listen to reason, perhaps you'll listen to this."

In a swift, unexpected movement, Solomon grabbed Y/N, pulling her close and digging his wand into her neck. Y/N struggled, but his grip was like iron, his hold unyielding.

"Solomon, what are you doing? Let her go!" Sebastian shouted, his voice filled with panic.

"Think, Sebastian," Solomon said coldly. "Is this relic worth risking Y/N's life? If you use that thing, there's no telling what will happen. You could lose her, just like you could lose Anne."

Sebastian's eyes darted between the relic and Y/N, his heart torn apart by the impossible choice before him. He loved Anne and would do anything to save her, but the thought of Y/N being harmed because of his actions was unbearable.

"You can't do this," Sebastian pleaded, his voice shaking. "She's done nothing wrong. This is between us."

Solomon's grip tightened around Y/N, causing her to gasp in pain as the wand pressed harder against her neck. "This isn't just about you, Sebastian. This is about stopping you from making a mistake that will destroy everything. You think you're helping Anne, but you're only hurting everyone around you."

Y/N yelped as Solomon tightened his grip even more, her eyes filling with tears. "Sebastian, please... don't do this. We can find another way to help Anne!"

Sebastian's resolve wavered, but he shook his head, trying to focus. "I have to save her, Uncle. I can't let Anne suffer any longer."

"And you'll let Y/N suffer instead?" Solomon retorted, his voice cutting like ice. "You're willing to sacrifice her for a chance—a slim chance—that this relic might work?"

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