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Keisha's POV

My phone rang and I pulled it from my pocket. I tapped the green answer button and held it up to my ear. "Hey how's honeymooning?" I looked over at Peyton and Logan at the slide.

"It's amazing. How are the twins?" I rolled my eyes, chuckling. "Don't roll your eyes at me Keisha."

"How did you know? You can't see me. But they're fi-" I stopped when I saw Logan push a little boy away from Peyton. "Logan! Stop!" He blushed and ran over to Mimi and they played together. "Well, your daughter seems to have caught someone's attention and your son just turned into the world's smallest bodyguard. Why'd you have to make such cute babies? Now we need guards everywhere." She laughed and I heard a muffled sound of someone speaking. "Tell Liam I said hi."

"He said hi. I need to go but I'll text you later. And don't let Logan beat up on little boys." I chuckled and heard the beep of the call ending. "Come on. Let's go find Louis." All three of the kids ran up to me and we walked in the direction Louis went in.

Paige's POV

We walked to a cute little café and went in. We picked a table and Liam pulled my chair out. I smiled and sat down. He sat across from me and I opened the menu. "Hi can I get you something to drink?"

I looked up at the waiter who was staring down my button up blouse. Liam cleared his throat and the guy looked at me with a smile. "We would like water." He nodded and winked at me.

"You want to go somewhere else for breakfast?" Liam looked at the menu with a clenched jaw. I took his menu and grabbed his hand, his features softened. "I'm sorry love. I got jealous."

"No need to be. We have these rings for a reason." I smiled at him and squeezed his hand reassuringly. The waiter came back and put a glass of water in front of me and once again looked down my shirt. "Can we get another waiter?" I looked over at Liam and his grip tightened on my hands.

"Come on sweetheart, just get ride of this guy and come with me. I'm about to get off work." The waiter laid his hand on my shoulder and I got scared.

"Get your hands off my wife." Liam let go of my hands and clenched his fists.

"Why? Cause you know I can take her from you? Come on sexy just leave him." He grabbed my arm harshly and jerked me from my seat. Pain shot through my arm and tears welled up in my eyes. Liam stood up and a tear slipped down my cheek.

I couldn't really process what happened next because it happened so fast. Liam pushed the guy into the wall then threw him on a table. When the guy fell Liam stood over him and punched him. I tried to pull him off but he just pushed me back. Another tear slipped down my cheek when my back hit the wall from the force of the push. Liam stopped and walked out of the café with his head down, me running after him. When I finally caught up to him. I stood in front of him and he stopped. He lifted his head and his eyes were bloodshot. He wiped away my tears and I held onto his arm as we walked. We went back inside the beach house and sat on the couch. I looked down at his knuckles which were busted and bloody. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit. I went back down and cleaned his hands, bandaging them up.

"Liam?" He looked up at me anger still evident in his eyes. "What happened at the café?" He sighed and looked back down.

"He grabbed your arm and I don't know what came over me. I never liked it when guys did that ever since I was little. One of my sisters' boyfriends came over once and dragged her around. I got mad back then and went to the gym. Seeing him grab your arm angered me and I hope I killed that fucker." He looked down at my arm and got up. He came back with an ice pack and held it to the hand shaped bruise. He went to wrap his arm around me and I winced. "What's wrong?"

"My back." He lifted my shirt and lightly touched it making me wince again.

"How did this big bruise get here?" He kneeled in front of me and started unbuttoning my shirt. I bit my lip and he took my shirt off. "Paige, how did that bruise get there?" I took my shirt from him and walked upstairs. If I told him he pushed me then what would he do? I heard him following me into the room. "Paige please tell me."

"You pushed me. I was trying to pull you off the waiter and you pushed me really hard. I hit the wall and now there's a bruise." He stood there with his lips slightly parted. "I know you didn't mean to so it's okay." I walked in the room and laid across the bed on my stomach. Liam walked in and I felt something cold on my back. "Thank you."

"It's the least I can do since I caused it." He lifted me a little and sat down with me laying across him.

"Don't blame yourself for this." I sat up and kissed him softly. He kissed back and traced my lip. I granted him access and his tongue explored my mouth. He pulled away and pulled his phone from his pocket.

"Hello? Shit. Okay. Bye."

"What?" I got up and put my shirt back on.

"Peyton's sick."

"I really miss them and my baby girl is sick. Liam can we please go back home? We can always come back to Paris." He sighed and nodded.

"Yeah let's go." We packed and went out. We got a ride to the airport and walked in. We walked to the desk. "Two tickets to London?" He paid for the tickets and grabbed them. We ran to board the plane and sat down.

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