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Liam's POV

Paige shifted and I opened one eye. "No." I tightened my grip on her. She looked at me, rolling her eyes.

"Li, I've been laying here for an hour. The twins have to eat and so do we." I let her go and she got up, stretching. "Help me cook?" I shook my head and sat up.

"I'm going to go take a shower." She nodded and walked in the kitchen. I walked upstairs and into the bathroom. I turned on the water, undressed, and stepped in. The door opened and luckily the person couldn't me. I saw my son's silhouette at the toilet and continued my shower.

"Hi daddy." He washed his hands and I turned off the water.

"Hey buddy." He walked out and I wrapped a towel around my waist, walking out. I put on a pair of black jeans and a t-shirt. Paige walked in and stuck her tongue out at me. "Very mature babe."

"I know right." I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm and dried my hair with the towel. "What are we going to do today?" I shrugged and followed her into the bathroom. "You just showered."

"Am I not allowed to shave anymore?" She giggled and ran the water. "How about ice skating?" I put shaving cream on my face and grabbed my razor.

"Sure. Isn't there a rink about 5 minutes from here?" I nodded and she stepped in. "When you finish, can you tell the twins? I have to fix the mop of curls on my head." I chuckled and finished shaving, rinsing my face.

"Yeah." I walked out and jogged downstairs where the kids were playing. "Mommy and I have a surprise for you. Go get dressed." They smiled at me and ran upstairs.

"Babe?" I walked up to the room where Paige was straightening her hair. "If I show you how to do this, can you help me do the back without burning me?"

"I think so." She showed me and I took the straightener from her hand, almost burning mine in the process. "Do you want it straight or burnt? Literally this thing is as hot as fucking hell." She giggled and I straightened her hair. I finished and carefully gave it back to her. "Honestly not quite sure if I did it right."

She ran a hand through it and nodded. "You did good. Missed a couple of spots and completely avoided the roots but it's fine. Thank you." I nodded and sat down to put on my shoes. I put on my sweatshirt and walked out, her following. The kids were sitting downstairs.

"What's the surprise?" They walked with Paige and I. We got in the car and I pulled off.

"We're going ice skating!" They cheered and I chuckled, glancing at Paige.

"Where'd you get those?" I glanced at the skates in her lap.

"I used to figure skate when I was younger and I kept my skates. Surprisingly, they still fit." I pulled up to the skating rink and we got out.

"Are you gonna show us a little routine?" She shrugged and grabbed my hand.

"Maybe." We walked in and I walked with the twins to get skates.

Paige's POV

I sat down and exchanged my black Vans for my ice skates. Liam sat down and the kids sat between us. The rink was completely empty except for us. Once they had their skates on, I grabbed Peyton's hand and we stepped on the ice.

She wobbled a bit but quickly gained her balance. "Want to try on your own?" She nodded and I let go of her hand and she skated off. I turned, skating backwards and looked at Liam and Logan. "How's it going?"

"Good but he doesn't want to try alone." I smiled at him.

"Logan skate to me without holding onto daddy and I'll buy you some candy." He looked at me and I nodded, holding out my hand. He let go of Liam and skated to me, grabbing my hand. "See? You can do it on your own. Go skate with Pey." He moved around me and caught up with his sister.

"I didn't think about bribes." He skated over to me and grabbed my hand. "So about that figure skating. Any other talents I don't know about?"

I looked at my feet, in thought. "Dancing and writing." I looked at him and he nodded. "Writing led to singing, singing led to dancing, dancing led to figure skating, and skating led to gymnastics."

"And boxing?"

"A stress reliever and side hobby. I dabbled in quite a bit. Still want to see a routine?" I looked up at him with a smile and he nodded. "Okay." He got the twins and they walked off the ice. I put my earbuds in and played Shadows by Lindsey Stirling. I took a deep breath and started skating around. I danced as I skated, doing different tricks and leaps. I got lost in the music and loosened. I smiled twirling to a finish and looked up when I heard clapping. I hadn't noticed more people had come in and Liam skated over to me.

"Wow. That was great." He pecked my lips and smiled. The kids skated over to us and Peyton grabbed my hand.

"Mommy I wanna try!" I smiled at her and nodded.

"Not today but maybe another time baby girl." She nodded and we all skated around.

"I'm hungry!" Liam chuckled and we got off the ice. We sat down and took off our skates. Liam returned the skates and walked back to us, wrapping an arm around me.

"Go out or go home?" He looked at me.

"Let's just go home. I'm tired. I'll order a pizza." He nodded and we got in the car. He drove back home and I called ordering two pizzas. We went inside and I sat on the couch. Logan climbed on one side and Peyton on the other side. They laid their heads in my lap and I smiled. "My mini me's."

Liam sat beside me and pulled Peyton in his lap. I played with Logan's mop of curls. He smiled and I kissed his cheek. The doorbell rang and Liam got up. I yawned and leaned my head back. "I have pizza." I looked at Liam and he chuckled. The twins jumped up and he walked in the kitchen them following. He walked back in, sitting beside me. "Tired?" I nodded and laid my head in his lap.

"Yeah. We were up pretty late." I twirled the promise ring on my finger, smiling. He rubbed my arm and I sat up. "Come cuddle?" He chuckled, kissing my head.

"I would but I need to keep an eye on the kids." I pouted and got up. "Sorry princess." He stood and pecked my cheek.

"It's fine. I still have Lili." He looked at me confused, "The teddy bear you won me. I cuddled with it while you were on tour. He even has your scent." He chuckled and picked me up.

"Well I'm here now. The kids will be fine." I nuzzled my face in his neck. He walked in the room and put me down. I kicked off my shoes and laid down. Liam laid beside me, pulling me closer. I yawned and fell asleep with a small smile on my face

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