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Liam's POV

I heard the front door slam shut and smiled at Peyton. "Mommy's home."

"Liam!" She ran in a huge smile on her face. "I got accepted!!" I looked at her confused and she shoved her phone in my hand. "I just got this email from the school. I scanned the screen and smiled at her.

"That's great babe." I handed the phone back to her. Peyton climbed off the bed and hugged Paige.

"Where's Logan?" She smiled at Peyton and pinched her cheek lightly, Peyton giggling.

"In his room, asleep." She nodded and sat on the bed. "Pey and I were just talking." Peyton nodded and climbed up, sitting between us. I kissed her cheek.

"What about?" She sat down.

"Can't tell you that." Logan walked in and climbed on the bed. "Hungry?" He nodded and laid his head on Paige's lap. I got up and walked downstairs. I grabbed the pizza off the table and carried it back to the room.

"When did you get that?" Paige took the box and Logan grabbed a slice.

"Earlier while they were napping. I knew they'd be hungry when they woke up and I didn't know when you'd get back." I sat back on the bed. "Are we going to look for another flat soon?"

"We can but it's not necessary. I talked to one the the administrators and they've arranged for me to take some classes online and the rest I can drive to the school." She finished her pizza. "Plus it's only 20 minutes from here so I don't have far to go." She shrugged and looked at her phone. The twins got up and ran out with the empty box. "Thank you."

"For what?" I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her towards me.

"For everything." She smiled up at me and I kissed her cheek. "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you." She laid her head on my shoulder.

"When do you start classes?" I pulled her in my lap and she buried her face in the crook of my neck.

"Next month." She looked at me and smiled. I pecked her lips, grabbing her hand. "What were you and Pey talking about?" I shook my head.

"Can't tell you. It's a surprise from me and them. All I am going to say is, pack some clothes for next week." She nodded and looked at our intertwined hands. "Are you alright?" She nodded again and smiled.

"Excited." I chuckled and pecked her forehead. "When I talked to the administrators today they said that producers are always coming to performances." I smiled.

"You could be discovered as a singer or dancer." She nodded and got up. "Pack swimsuits." She pulled her suitcase from the closet and opened it.

"Are we going to a beach?" She tossed 3 swimsuits in the bag.

"In a way." She smirked and went back to packing. "We're leaving tomorrow." She packed a few other things and walked out. I got up and walked to Peyton's room where she and Logan were playing. I opened her closet and pulled a gown I bought Paige out. I walked back to mine and Paige's room and put it in my suitcase. I dropped the high heels I got her in my case and closed it, zipping it up.

"What are you doing?" I turned to Paige and shook my head. "Lie. Babe you're a terrible liar." She smiled and walked over to me.

"I was putting something in my suitcase so I don't forget to bring it." I wrapped my arms around her waist. "And that's the truth." She poked her tongue out at me and I chuckled.

"I need to tell Justin." She wiggled out of my arms and grabbed her phone off the bed. She walked out and I laid on the bed and got on twitter.

Paige's POV


"Hey! I have news!" I plopped on the couch.

"What's up?"

"I'm going to Uni." I smiled and heard a thud. "J?" I heard shuffling and then my brother's voice came through the speaker.

"Sorry. That's amazing. What's your major?"

"Performing Arts."

"Cool. When do you start?"

"Next month. Anyway, I should get going. We're going on a trip and I need to finish packing."

"Alright talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up and ran upstairs. I grabbed my notebook and sat on the bed.

"What's that?" I looked at Liam and back at the raggedy notebook in my lap.

"My writing notebook." I flipped through the pages, smiling. I've had this notebook since grade 9 before the crash. "I have some poems and stuff in here." I stopped at an unfinished poem I wrote in my last year of high school. "I remember this." He sat up and looked over my shoulder.

"Babe this is amazing." I blushed, smiling. "Can I try something?" I nodded and he grabbed the guitar. I placed the notebook in front of him. He strummed, his eyes scanning the page. He sang the words I wrote and I smiled. He looked back up at me and finished singing. "How come you haven't finished it?"

"I was planning on throwing this away." I shrugged and picked up the notebook. "I have had this for about 10 years. I guess I haven't thrown it away because my parents always encouraged my writing."

"Well how about we finish writing it together?" I nodded, smiling. "Maybe when we finish it, you can perform it."

"No thank you. I'm not performing it." I closed it and tossed it in my suitcase.

"Why not?" He pulled me in his lap.

"No." I laid my head on his shoulder, him sighing.

"Well we can record it." I shook my head. "But Paige-" I bit my lip and he sighed again. He was getting impatient with me and I knew it because he rarely ever said my name. It was usually princess, babe, or baby girl. "Baby girl why are you so insecure?"

I sighed and looked at him. "I never had the love or affection I get from you from other guys. They wanted me for my body. Then the crash and I was depressed. I didn't care about my health and my weight fluctuated. I might have lost weight and I might have gained weight. They bullied me for the crash and for me in general. My grades dropped and I repeated grade 9 which is why Keisha graduated before me. Justin helped me and everything started going back to normal. I went with Keisha to the concert and I met you. I loved you then but I always knew you wouldn't go for a girl like me. Keisha and Louis got together and I got distant with her, afraid I'd fall for you even more." Tears welled up in my eyes and I sniffled. "Then one day Keisha asked me to go with her and Louis to lunch and didn't tell me he was bringing you with him and you called me beautiful. After we left, I told Keisha I was in love with you and I didn't know what I was going to do. But now we're happily married with amazing kids and I wouldn't change a thing." A tear slipped down my cheek and he wiped it off. "But I guess I got so used to the insults that I don't notice the compliments." He wiped another tear off my cheek and smiled.

"You're beyond beautiful princess." I looked down and he lifted my chin. "I would never tell a girl she's beautiful and not mean it. Every single part of you is beautiful and I love you." I smiled and he hugged me tightly.

"I love you too babe." My smile widened.

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