Paige's POV
I dialed Liam and waited for him to pick up. When he didn't answer, I sighed and got up. I walked to the kitchen and fixed me a snack. I walked to the living room and sat on the couch, turning on the tv. I watched the gossip talk show, too lazy to turn. They were currently doing a story on Jesy getting engaged to Jake. They were so adorable.
"Up next, One Direction's Liam Payne seen leaving a L.A. club with another girl. What would the Mrs. think?" I turned up the volume a little and skipped through the commercials. "Anonymous sources say last night, Liam Payne of One Direction was seen leaving a club in L.A. with another girl." A picture of Liam and the mystery girl popped up. "Sources also say they asked him about her but he refused to answer." I sat there slightly shocked and speechless. "Is Liam cheating on his wife Paige?" A picture of me and Liam I posted on Instagram popped up under the first one. "Or is this just a big misunderstanding?"
I paused the show and sat there. There was loud knocking on the door and I got up. "Coming!" I opened the door and Justin came in followed by Kyrah and Keisha.
"Paige have you seen it?" I nodded and walked back to the couch, sitting. "Are you okay?" I nodded and the girls sat beside me, "Are you sure?"
"I'M FINE!" I got up and ran a hand through my hair. "Sorry. I don't want to talk about it." I walked back to mine and Liam's room and slammed the door. My phone rang and I picked it up, answering.
"Hey. Have you seen?" I nodded and he bit his lip. "I can explain. The guys went out last night and I saw an old friend of mine and she was drunk. When the guys and I left I offered to take her home since she couldn't drive. I promise that's all that happened." I bit my lip and nodded.
"Okay." I sat on the bed and put on the beanie I was wearing yesterday. "How was the concert?"
"It was great. The fans were hype." I smiled and he visibly relaxed. "Is that my beanie?" I nodded and he chuckled. "No wonder I couldn't find it. Well I have to go but I promise I'll call a little early tonight. I love you."
"I love you too. Bye." I blew a kiss and he hung up. I got up and stuck my head out. "Justin?" He walked in and I closed the door. "Can the twins and I stay with you and Kyrah for a couple days?" Tears welled up in my eyes and my voice cracked.
"Of course. You don't even need to ask." He hugged me and a tear rolled down my cheek, landing on his shirt. "Did he call you?" I nodded and sniffled enjoying my brothers safe embrace. He let me go and I looked down at my mix-matched socks.
"He said it was just a friend of his and she was drunk. We didn't talk long though." I sat on the bed and played with my fingers.
"Get dressed and come back down okay?" I nodded and he walked out.
Justin's POV
I walked in the twins' rooms and packed them a few outfits and went back to the other two girls. "Is she okay?" Keisha stood up and was about to go up there and I stopped her.
"She's fine. She doesn't want to talk about it right now." Keisha nodded and I went to put the kids' bags in the trunk. When I went back in, Paige was listening to music and sitting with the other girls. She looked up at me and grabbed her bag, getting up. We all walked to the car and got in. I turned on the radio and Steal My Girl played. I reached to turn it but Paige spoke up.
"Leave it. Just because I'm upset at him I don't mind listening to them." She looked at me in the mirror and I shrugged, pulling off. I drove to an ice cream shop and we got out. "Ice cream?" I nodded and we went inside. "This looks familiar." I smiled and nodded.

FanficThe Paynes have been doing pretty good but still run into a few problems every now and then. Rumors start, decisions are made, and things eventually clear up. Sequel to Strange Love Contains mature content.