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Liam's POV

Paige came back and sat beside me. Logan stretched across us and yawned. Paige sighed and I laid my hand on her shoulder. "I got him." She smiled and relaxed.

"We actually should get back to our hotel." The guys all stood up and started to leave. "We'll be here until we leave for tour so we can always visit again." I nodded and they left. I carried Logan upstairs and changed him into his pajamas. I laid him on the bed and kissed his head. I kissed Peyton's head and walked out, turning the lights off.

I went back downstairs and saw Paige asleep on the couch. "The biggest baby of all." I chuckled and picked her up bridal style. She nuzzled her face in the crook of my neck and went back to sleep. I kicked the bedroom door open and laid her on the bed. "Come on babe. Let's get you changed."

I grabbed a pair of her pajama shorts and one of my t-shirts. I kneeled beside the bed and pulled her boots off. I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off her, replacing them with the shorts. With some difficulty, I took off her shirt and put mine on her. I laid her back down and got up to change. I changed into some sweats and took off my shirt. I climbed into bed and wrapped my arms around her. I pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

I started to fall asleep when I heard loud screams and crying. I rolled out of bed and jogged down the hall. I walked in the room and turned on the lights. Peyton rubbed her eyes and sniffled. I picked her up and sat down. "What happened princess?"

"I had a scary dream." I wiped her tears and glanced at Logan who was still asleep. "Can I sleep with you and mommy?" I nodded and carried her to our room. Paige looked up at me and Peyton.

"What happened?" I laid Peyton on the bed and she laid on Paige's chest. I laid down and wrapped my arms around them both. Peyton was asleep again, her arms hugging Paige.

"She had a nightmare. Logan's still sleeping." She nodded and went back to sleep. I closed my eyes and was dozing off when i felt little hands on my arm. I looked back and Logan climbed up. I sighed and slid over making room for him. I eventually went to sleep, barely on my own bed.

~The Next Morning~

Paige's POV

I woke up and was face to face with my sleeping daughter. I smiled and rolled out of bed. I looked at Liam who was asleep on the edge of the bed. I giggled and grabbed some clothes. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the water. I stripped down and stepped in the shower. I closed my eyes, letting the hot water relax my tense muscles.

I heard the door open and close. I stuck my head out and saw Liam undressing. He stepped in behind me and I turned around. "Good morning sleepyhead." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Morning. And I deserve to sleep. I was up most of the night and I slept on the edge of the bed." I giggled and stepped out of the shower. I dried off and put on my clothes. I brushed the tangles out of my wet hair and pulled it up in a messy bun. Liam turned off the water, stepping out and wrapping a towel around his waist. I felt a smack on my bum and turned around. Liam smirked and pulled me closer. "You really shouldn't wear those leggings around me." His hands slid down my sides and squeezed my butt.

"Well control yourself because we can't do anything with the twins in the house." I pecked his lips and walked out him following me. "And keep your eyes off my ass." I walked into our room and grabbed my phone. I sat on the bed and Liam walked in, closing the door and locking it. His towel was hanging loosely around his waist. I trailed my eyes down to his V-line and he chuckled.

"Control yourself. Remeber, we can't do anything with the twins in the house." I rolled my eyes and laid down, looking at my phone. "But you know," He hovered me and took my phone. "We've done this quietly before. We can do it again." He kissed my neck softly.

"Liam the twins." My eyes closed and I bit my lip.

"They're eating breakfast and watching TV with Amira. It'll be okay as long as we're quiet." I nodded and he kissed me. I tangled my fingers in his wet hair. He traced my lip and I granted him access. His tongue explored my mouth, while one hand supported his weight and the other roamed my body. His hand slid up my shirt and he pulled away. "No bra?"

"Nope." He flipped us and pulled my shirt over my head. I leaned down to whisper, "No underwear either." His eyes got darker and he kissed my neck. I bit my lip to suppress a moan and my neck rolled to the side, allowing him more access. He squeezed my bum and I moaned softly into his neck.

There was a loud knock on the door and my eyes widened. I got off Liam and put my shirt back on. He got up and I opened the door enough to poke my head out. "What are you hiding?" I looked back at Liam who had on his sweatpants. "Were you and Liam about to," Her sentence trailed off and I nodded.

"We were kind if in the middle of it." I bit my lip and she smirked.

"Oh. My bad I was coming to tell you Justin and Kyrah are here." I nodded and she walked away. I closed the door and looked at Liam.

"Let's go." I walked out and ran downstairs. I sat down and smiled at the twins playing with Justin and Kyrah.

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