Paige's POV
"Stop looking at my ass." I walked out and looked back at Liam. "No matter how tempting it is." I took off my sandals and stood on the balcany.
"I can't help it." I felt a large hand squeeze my bum. "I'm tempted to take you back inside." I turned to face him, smirking.
"Well we're not doing that right now." He leaned to the side a little, looking at my bum. "Liam." I smacked his arm and he looked at my chest. "Oh my gosh." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his face making him look at me. "Calm yourself." I pecked his lips. "I'm going to change." He shook his head and I giggled.
"You look fine. I'll resist as much as possible." He pecked my cheek and I smiled.
"Alright. Now go do something, I want to tan." I sat on a deck chair and closed my eyes.
"You're tan enough babe."
"But I want a darker tan." I was picked up and I looked at him. "What are you doing?"
"Prohibiting you from tanning." He put me down and I took off my sunglasses. "You're beautiful. My golden goddess." I pecked his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you baby girl."
"I love you too." He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. I squealed, laughing. He put me down, chuckling and I smiled.
"Mommy there's sand in my eye!" I looked down at Peyton and grabbed her hand. We walked inside and into the bathroom.
I got the sand out of her eye and kissed her cheek. "There you go baby girl." She smiled and ran out. I walked out and took off my cover up skirt. I walked to the water and jumped in. I swam around for a bit. I swam to shore and walked out of the water, pushing my hair from my face. I noticed Liam watching me and smiled.
I grabbed my sunglasses and skirt, walking to him. "Have fun?" I nodded, shivering. "Come on." He wrapped his arms around me and we walked inside. I walked in the room and changed from my wet swimsuit into dry clothes. I got on my phone and looked at Twitter. My happy mood was ruined when I scrolled through my mentions.
'What does he even see in her?"
'She probably just wanted him for his money."
'Liam should divorce her and date a girl of his race.'
'I bet it's because of their management.'
I continued reading through the racist tweets, tears welling up in my eyes. Eventually, I came across the worst racial slur in the book and broke down. Tears slipped down my cheeks and I threw my phone on the bed. "Mommy? What's wrong?" I looked at Logan and Peyton in the door frame, trying to wipe my tears quickly. They walked over and sat on the bed. "Why are you crying?"
"No reason. I'm fine." I sniffled, smiling.
"No you're not." Peyton grabbed Logan and they ran out. Liam ran in and looked at me. He picked me up and sat down with me in his lap.
"Why?" I cried into his shoulder.
"What's wrong princess?" I handed him the phone and he frowned. "Babe don't listen to them. I love you."
"Those I can deal with." I took the phone and scrolled to the other tweet. "It's this one."
'Paige is just a n**** management used for a publicity stunt. She doesn't care about Liam, she just wants money.'
"Babe you know that's not true." I choked back a sob and he wiped my tears. "I tried to hide these kinds of tweets from you." I hiccuped, laying my head on his shoulder. "Just ignore them okay? They just want my attention. I love you princess." I looked at him and he caressed my cheek.
"I love you too." He smiled, kissing my cheek. I wiped my tears, smiling. I looked at the twins, sitting near the suitcases. "I love you guys too." I got up and hugged them. They smiled, poking my dimples. They jumped on Liam and he laughed. I sat on the bed, giggling. They stopped and I was suddenly attacked, being tickled.
I laughed uncontrollably, squirming around. "No! Stop!" They continued to tickle me. "If you stop I'll give you candy!" The twins stopped and jumped off the bed, running out. Liam kept tickling me and I laughed harder. "Oh my god! Stop! Please I'll do anything!" He stopped and I sat up, breathing heavily.
"Anything?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes.
"In the morning. Shower." I winked, getting up. He grabbed my bum and I shook my head, walking out. I walked in the the main room and the twins were watching tv. I sat on the couch and played with Peyton's hair. Her long curly hair was growing into waves. She smiled at me and I poked her dimples. My phone started ringing and I got up walking in the kitchen. "Hello?"
"Hey have you seen Twitter?"
"No. Are people still tweeting about me?"
"Not anymore. Go look!"
"Okay damn! Hold on." I ran in the room, grabbed my laptop and walked back to the kitchen. I got on Twitter and looked through my mentions, noticing Liam's tweet.
'If you can say it on twitter why can't you say it to our faces? Stop hating on my wife. We love each other. She's my beautiful princess. I love you Paige.'
I saw a picture of us kissing attached to the tweet. "My day is made." I smiled at the computer screen.
"That is so sweet! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a tumblr edit to go make with this tweet. Can you send me that picture?"
"Keisha. You need to stop." I laughed, following some fans. "But I'll send it to you if you send me the edit."
"Deal. I gotta go. Lou and I are watching Cameron for Zayn and Perrie."
"Alright. Talk to you later." She hung up and I sent her the picture and turned the laptop off. I walked to the room and climbed on top of Liam. "I saw your tweet." He smiled, his hands on my hips. "Thank you. I love you too."
"I just don't want to see any more tears." He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. "You're beautiful." I smiled

FanfictionThe Paynes have been doing pretty good but still run into a few problems every now and then. Rumors start, decisions are made, and things eventually clear up. Sequel to Strange Love Contains mature content.