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Paige's POV

I was walking around backstage when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You need to get dressed." I nodded at Emily and walked to the dressing room. I changed into my costume and did my make up. I straightened my curly hair and put it up in a bun. I put on the jewelry for my costume and heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." The door opened and The twins walked in. "Hey!" They smiled and hugged me. The door opened again and Liam walked in with a bouquet. "Hello. Who are these for?"

"Well they were for you after show but you might get them now." He smiled and walked over to me. "Nervous?" I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me. "Don't be. You've performed before."

"Yeah with Little Mix and Keisha but not alone." I looked up at him. "What if I mess up?"

"You won't mess up. You'll be perfect." He placed a soft kiss to my lips and I smiled, kissing back. My arms wrapped around his neck and he traced my lip. I granted him access, our tongues exploring each others mouths.

The door opened. "Oh I'm sorry." Liam pulled away and turned around. Andre was standing at the door. "So so sorry. Uhm Paige we're doing the duet then your solo is last." I nodded.

"Liam, this is my partner and one of the bestest friends ever, Andre. Andre, this is my husband, Liam and my kids, Peyton and Logan."

"Nice to meet you. My little sister loves your band." He shook Liam's hand.

"Nice to meet you too mate." He wrapped an arm around my waist. Jealous much? "Well, the twins and I are going to go find our seats. Good luck to you both." I smiled and he kissed my cheek. Him and the twins walked past Andre and I rolled my eyes.

"I am so sorry you had to see that."

"It's my fault. I should've knocked." He closed the door. "Did you work something out with Emily about your costume?" I nodded looking in the mirror.

"I have on shorts under this." I stared at my reflection before walking back to my straightener. I pulled a few strands out and curled them so it didn't look so neat.

"I also came to see if you wanted a quick practice."

"Sure. It might help me relax about my solo." I played the song on my phone and we started dancing. "Talk to Dani recently?"

"She's here. She wanted to see our duet."

"She can still do it with you. I don't mind. Her costume she was supposed to wear is right over there."

"She wants you to do it with me." I nodded and we continued the dance. We finished and I smiled. "That was great. Now you do yours and I'll watch." Loud played and I closed my eyes, starting the dance. I thought about my life and how it's changed so much, putting all my feelings in my movements.

I finished and looked up at Andre. "So?"

"Perfect. You're going to be perfect." I smiled and turned off my phone.

"Thanks Dre." I hugged him. "Where's Dani?"

"She's already out there." I nodded and he walked out, leaving me in the room alone.

~Hours Later~

"This dance piece was choreographed by the dancers but one unfortunately had to drop out and we found a replacement. The piece is about a couple in love. Dancing to Earned It, Andre Harris and Paige Payne." The curtain opened and the spotlight was on Andre sitting in the middle of the stage. The music started and I did the intro of the dance.

Liam's POV

I watched the performance with a smile. Paige was perfect and although I didn't like that she was doing a duet they were amazing. They finished and the curtain closed, the crowd roaring with cheers. "I'm glad I told her to do the dance." I looked at the girl next to me. "I'm Danielle. That was my boyfriend."

"Liam. That was my wife." She smiled. "They did great." She nodded.

"This next piece was also self choreographed. The inspiration for this dance came from the dancer's life-changing events. Dancing to Loud, Paige Payne."

The curtain opened and Paige's silhouette was all that was seen against the blue backdrop. She started dancing and I smiled. "She's amazing." I nodded, watching her move gracefully around the stage. She finished the dance and the entire auditorium stood, cheering and applauding. She smiled and walked offstage. The curtain closed.

"Thank you for coming to our showcase." The lights came on and everyone started walking out. I got up with the twins and we walked backstage. I knocked on the door to the dressing room and Paige opened the door.

"Come in." We walked in and she was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I handed her the bouquet and she smiled. "Thanks babe."

"You were amazing princess." She blushed and I wrapped an arm around her waist. We walked out and saw Danielle and the guy Paige danced with, snogging. Paige cleared her throat and they looked at us.

"Hi." Paige smirked.

"Hi Paige." Danielle waved and blushed. "You were awesome."

"Thank you. You would've been better." My hand slid to her bum and back up. "We're just going to leave and let you go back to what you were doing." She grabbed my hand and we walked by the couple. We walked out the back door. "You know I'm going to get you back." We got in the car and I drove home. The twins were asleep so I picked them up and carried them to. their rooms. I walked to the room and Paige was laying on the bed on her phone.

"You really were perfect out there baby girl." I changed into a pair of sweats and laid next to her.

"Thank you. I put my feelings in it. I used my love for you in the duet and my life for my solo. I thought about the hate, the crash, us, the twins." I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to me.

"Well you are definitely going to get discovered." She smiled at me and pecked my lips.

"I might. Let's go to bed, I'm tired." She laid her head on my chest and I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight babe. I love you."

"I love you too princess." We fell asleep almost immediately.

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